Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals by Niall Ferguson, 2011
What if Britain had stayed out of the First World War? What if Germany had won the Second? How would England look if there had been no Cromwell? What would the world be like if Communism had never collapsed? And what if John F. Kennedy had lived?
What if the agenda is to actually crash markets so they can buy up what y'all lose and cheap too?
Maybe they want farms to fail also so they can buy them cheap too.
Is #RandalMonroe #XKCD #WhatIf in the house?
Can someone tell me how many cake stalls we'd need? #WILPF
Marvel Preview: Marvel & Disney: What If…? Mickey & Friends Became the Avengers #1
"Donnie Darko" was a how-to...
For correcting our tangent universe?
@mavica_again @cstross @NF6X also lets be clear, @NanoRaptor does "Premium" #Shitpost|s or rather "#NextLevel #Memes" to the point that I'd not be surprised if she makes a #NeoFloppy / #Jaz / #Zip mashup and showcases a nonexistant "vintage" portable SSD with like old #ROM chips or #RAM chips...
But #WhatIf it did?
What If...What If: A suitably epic conclusion to the show. I still don't get why it has to end, especially as its final scene once again references the multiverse being limitless, but we at least get some very cool fight sequences between the Guardians Of The Multiverse, Uatu, and the other Watchers. There's some real emotional consequence from Uatu intefering too, due to Peggy's sacrifice, which is a great end for the character of Captain Carter. #WhatIf
“What if you built a billion-story building?”
only reprises her role as Nebula for a very quick cameo at the beginning. Why couldn't she have had a bigger part here? The Infinity Ultron return is cool though. #WhatIf
What If...The Watcher Disappeared: Have mixed feelings about this episode. Whilst it's great to see Captain Carter and Kahhori again, I can't help but feel the story of how Storm acquired Mjolnir would have been more interesting. I also think it a shame that Karen Gillan #WhatIf
are the villains. I did not see the twist coming that Shang-Chi's sister was now operating as the Hood after defeating him, and the Watcher being taken by his own kind to be placed on trial is a great cliffhanger ending. #WhatIf
West setting in a novel manner, turning the tables on the generic cowboys vs Indians narrative, by making Shang-Chi represent the immigrants who have been outlawed by the mysterious Hood, and by extension the locals trying to protect their territory from the immigrants #WhatIf
What If...1872?: Although the Watcher's claim that we're entering a new multiverse where 'anything can happen' is dubious considering that's the point of the multiverse in general, this one is a fun and creative endeavour. It adapts Shang-Chi and Kate Bishop into a Wild #WhatIf
What If ...
What if there really is bog foot out there?
And like, do we call a family of them big foots or Big Feet? Kinda important, don't you think?
What If...The Emergence Destroyed The Earth: The best episode of the season this far in. It's a really cool premise, concerning the Eternals not being around to stop the Emergence and Quentin Beck taking over Stark Industries. The twist that the rebel alliance all died and Riri never left the wastelands is excellent, as is the Doctor Who War Games-esque cliffhanger of the Watchers keeping an eye on Jeffrey Wright's Watcher because he broke their non-interference rules. #WhatIf
Byrdie the Duck would be an awesome addition to the MCU. As a bonus, her parents’ adorably wacky marriage would enter movie canon with her.
‘What If…?’ Writer A.C. Bradley Lost Her Home in the L.A. Fires. Now She Faces Her Own ‘What If…?’ Moments With Young Daughter
#GeneralNews #ACBradley #LosAngelesWildfires #WhatIf