I can't wait to build my own version of the popular Tin Tin #meme to release it next week
The difference: Tin Tin will have Vomir's head and will say "Captain, it's #HarshNoiseWallWednesday!"
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Les Aventures…
The Crab with the Golden Claws (Le Crabe aux Pinces d'Or) is the 9th vol. of The Adventures of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin), published by Casterman in 1941 in B&W and in 1943 in color.
Tintin is invited by Thomson & Thompson to investigate a case of a drowned sailor found with a scrap of paper with the word "Karaboudjan."
Tintin travels to Morocco and discovers that Karaboudjan is the name of a ship hijacked by criminals smuggling opium hidden in the crab tins. (1/2)
Looks okay and it fits together but not as well as I would have liked.
Maybe I'll think about revising the part fitting tolerances and try for another manufacture spin if/as/when time and finances yield sufficient slack.
Ah, bless the public domain! Another cracker from Ruben Bolling
No te pierdas esta versión de ficción sonora de Los Cigarros del faraón y El loto azul de Las aventuras de Tintín de Radio Nacional disponible en http://play.rtve.es/a/6788075
Merece la pena si eres fan del periodista más famoso del cómic #tintin #lasaventurasdetintin #herge #comic
The urge to write a #TinTin serial is growing within me.
Tintin is now in the public domain. I made this minimalistic voxel-style tribute somewhere around 2010 or so.
Per capirci, un #Popeye slasher non ce lo toglie nessuno se lo realizzano negli USA. Ma per vedere Pierfancesco Favino in una produzione italo-franco-belga nel ruolo del Capitano Haddock dovremo attendere ancora un po'. Braccio di Ferro, #Tintin e le altre opere di cui scade il #copyright nel 2025 | Wired Italia https://www.wired.it/article/braccio-di-ferro-tintin-copyright/
Sweet! Popeye (without spinach) & Tintin (black and white) enter the (USA) public domain on January 1st 2025
I believe versions of #Popeye, #TinTin, #Tarzan, and #BuckRogers go public domain in 2026.