#MickeyMouse #ArchiveDotOrg #PublicDomain
To ease your mind, if you like cartoons, and early Micky.
#MickeyMouse #ArchiveDotOrg #PublicDomain
To ease your mind, if you like cartoons, and early Micky.
Neue Galerie: Asta Nielsen - Europas erste Filmikone in Bildern
Bild (Detail): Plakat von Ernst Dryden, 1912-13, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (#PublicDomain)
#AstaNielsen #Stummfilm #Kino #Film #Digitalisierung #Kulturerbe #Filmgeschichte #Grafik
Wer unseren Newsletter regelmäßig bekommen will, kann ihn hier abonnieren:
Achtung: Ab April gendern wir wieder mit Asterisk.
Foto: Felix Schuster, Zwei Elsässerinnen mit Zeitung, 1912, @BadischesLandesmuseum (#PublicDomain)
Jesteście wolni!
Po dziesiątkach lat niewolniczej pracy, kajdany wreszcie pękły – weszliście do domeny publicznej. Jednak w lochach Disneylandu wciąż gniją wasze siostry i wasi bracia! Dzięki sprytnym sztuczkom prawników, ich niewola zdaje się nie mieć końca. Dość. Rzućcie wyzwanie korporacji. Przebijcie się przez twierdzę (park rozrywki), by przelać krew tyrana (Walta) i uwolnić przyjaciół!
Darmowa gra RPG i więcej informacji:
Public Domain Spotlight: LibriVox
Access to cultural heritage is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Founded in 2005, LibriVox stands out as a crucial resource, ensuring that our cultural heritage is freely and openly accessible.
by Sean Dudley via @internetarchive
RetroStrange TV is now streaming!
24/7 Sci-fi, horror, and ephemera from the public domain
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
Librivox.org has free public domain audio books done by volunteers.
It's pretty awesome.
RetroStrange TV is now streaming!
24/7 Sci-fi, horror, and ephemera from the public domain
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
RetroStrange TV is now streaming!
24/7 Sci-fi, horror, and ephemera from the public domain
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
RetroStrange TV is now streaming!
24/7 Sci-fi, horror, and ephemera from the public domain
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
RetroStrange TV is now streaming!
24/7 Sci-fi, horror, and ephemera from the public domain
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
Foto: Atelier Hamann, Hamburg, um 1909, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (#PublicDomain)
Since Peter Potamus is on my mind today, I found the most I ever wrote about him for my blog: as one of various cartoon characters (including fellow Warner Bros. owned characters Zatanna, Jonny Quest, and Batman's Aunt Harriet) that should've entered public domain in 2021 (but of course didn't, per retroactive copyright extensions).
Birthday candles being blown out.
#publicdomain #phonephotography #candles #whydidyoutakethis
*1928* Polish Works "Marconi" S.A. (formerly Polish Radiotechnical Society) at ul. Narbutta 29 in Warsaw
Title: Installation of battery-powered PTR 3LE reaction radio receivers in the plant hall. On the right, a drill at a workbench.
Archive: Polish National Digital Archive
Copyright: Public domain
#Factory #RadioReceivers
#year1928 #Warsaw #Warszawa #PolishIndustry #Marconi #PTR3LE #BatteryPoweredRadios #Manufacturing #HistoricalPhoto
#Workplace #IndustrialHistory #PublicDomain #Marconi
Working on the copy for the glitch graphics #itchio jam!
Hallohallo, wir sind umgezogen, jetzt (wieder) #neuhier auf #Pixelfed, haben nämlich kürzlich beim Instanzwechsel zu pixelfed.de alle Follows verloren, soeben die bisherigen Beiträge auf der neuen Instanz wiederveröffentlicht und experimentieren dort ein bisschen rum. Mit schönen Fotos. Ihr findet uns also auch hier: @ddbkultur@pixelfed.de
Foto: Heinrich Zille, Hirtenstr. 8, 1901, Stadtmuseum Berlin (#PublicDomain)
Bild: Werbegrafik (Detail) für Burroughs Additionsmaschinen Glogowski & Co., um 1910, Kunstbibliothek (#PublicDomain):
Endspurt im #Karneval – wir schauen nach #Nürnberg und machen den #Schembartlauf mit. Den was bitte?! Kleine Kulturgeschichte einer mittelalterlichen, fast vergessenen Faschingstradition:
Collage mit Bildern aus Schembartbüchern, Stadtbücherei Nürnberg (#PublicDomain)
#Mittelalter #Fasching #buchmalerei #digitalisierung #kulturerbe #fastnacht #faschingsdienstag #fastnachtsdienstag
In the last two weeks, I made a computer adaptation of the historic #BoardGame The Landlord’s Game (which is #PublicDomain). It is the predecessor of #Monopoly.
It is clunky and ugly, but it almost works. This is the first time I used #LÖVE, and it shows.
The game logic is surprisingly complex with many obscure features.
Link: https://codeberg.org/Wuzzy/Landlords_1904
(read the README otherwise you won't understand a thing)