I just watched The Haunting (Robert Wise, 1959) and rated it 8/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Haunting_%281963_film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheHaunting #RobertWise #JulieHarris #ClaireBloom #RichardJohnson #RussTamblyn
I just watched The Haunting (Robert Wise, 1959) and rated it 8/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Haunting_%281963_film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheHaunting #RobertWise #JulieHarris #ClaireBloom #RichardJohnson #RussTamblyn
Robert Wise's The Haunting (1963) is an object lesson in how to do subtle horror and it's one of the great haunted house movies. Superbly atmospheric and ambiguous. Much better than Shirley Jackson's overrated source novel.
My review: https://princeplanetmovies.blogspot.com/2024/10/the-haunting-1963.html
#Laragazzadelquartiere C'è una magia particolare nel cinema di #RobertWise un equilibrio tra la profondità delle storie che racconta e la maestria con cui le mette in scena. "La ragazza del quartiere" – il cui titolo... #RobertMitchum #shirleymaclaine #unofilm #unocinema #film #cinema #unorecensioni #unorecensione
oppure ascolta gratuitamente il #podcast su #spotify #amazonmusic #youtube
I just watched The Sound of Music (Robert Wise, 1965) and rated it 5/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sound_of_Music_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheSoundOfMusic #RobertWise #JulieAndrews #ChristopherPlummer #musical
I just watched Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Robert Wise, 1979) and rated it 4/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek%3A_The_Motion_Picture?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #StarTrek #TheMotionPicture #RobertWise #DouglasTrumbull #WilliamShatner #LeonardNimmoy
Autore non identificato - "Ultimatum alla terra" di Robert Wise,
#Autore #RobertWise #Ultimatum #AFilm #photography #Italian #Cinema
On December 15, 1979, Star Trek: The Motion Picture debuted in the United Kingdom. Marking the occasion with a drawing of Persis Khambatta!
#StarTrekTheMotionPicture #RobertWise #GeneRoddenberry #StarTrek #PersisKhambatta #SciFi #SciFiArt #ScienceFictionArt #ScienceFiction #MonsterVision #USAUpAllNight #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
I just watched The Day the Earth Stood Still (Robert Wise, 1951) and rated it 9/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_the_Earth_Stood_Still?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheDayTheEarthStoodStill #RobertWise #MichaelRennie #PatriciaNeal #KlaatuBaradaNikto
On September 30, 1977, Audrey Rose debuted in Italy. Here’s some Susan Swift art to mark the occasion!
#AudreyRose #RobertWise #SusanSwift #PsychologicalHorror #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #HorrorArt #MonsterVision #GhostFilm #ExploitationFilm #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
Klaatu barada nikto!
Robert Wise's The Day the Earth Stood Still was released 72 years ago today.
Editor on Citizen Kane (1941), Robert Wise, a four-time Oscar-winner and eclectic filmmaker, later directed Run Silent, Run Deep (1958), West Side Story (1961), The Haunting (1963), The Sound of Music (1965), The Sand Pebbles (1966), The Andromeda Strain (1971), The Hindenburg (1975) and Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979).
#scifi #earth #thedaytheearthstoodstill #1951 #robertwise #nokeanu
I just watched Executive Suite (Robert Wise, 1954) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Suite #films #cinema #cinemastodon #ExecutiveSuite #RobertWise #BarbaraStanwyck #WilliamHolden #JuneAllyson
#TheSoundOfMusic (1965)
A young novice is sent by her convent in 1930s Austria to become a governess to the seven children of a widowed naval officer.
#JulieAndrews #ChristopherPlummer #RobertWise (Director) on set
On April 14, 1978, Audrey Rose debuted in Ireland. Here’s some Susan Swift art to mark the occasion!
#AudreyRose #RobertWise #SusanSwift #PsychologicalHorror #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #HorrorArt #MonsterVision #GhostFilm #ExploitationFilm #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On March 30, 1971, The Andromeda Strain debuted in Los Angeles. Here’s a drawing of the baby boy in the film.
#TheAndromedaStrain #RobertWise #MichaelCrichton #SciFI #ScienceFiction #Horror #DisasterFIlm #TechnoThriller #70sMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #70sHorror
On March 19, 1980, Star Trek: The Motion Picture debuted in France. Marking the occasion with a drawing of Leonard Nimoy!
#StarTrekTheMotionPicture #RobertWise #GeneRoddenberry #StarTrek #Spock #LeonardNimoy #SciFi #SciFiArt #ScienceFictionArt #ScienceFiction #MonsterVision #USAUpAllNight #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On February 18, 1972, The Andromeda Strain debuted in Denmark. Just wrapped-up this new drawing of the baby boy in the film. Gotta get this to the scanner!
#TheAndromedaStrain #RobertWise #MichaelCrichton #SciFI #ScienceFiction #Horror #DisasterFIlm #TechnoThriller #70sMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #NewArt #ArtWIP
On January 5, 1971 The Andromeda Strain debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Post-It Note art to mark the occasion!
#TheAndromedaStrain #RobertWise #MichaelCrichton #SciFI #ScienceFiction #Horror #DisasterFIlm #TechnoThriller #70sMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #70sHorror
#RobertWise creates a smoke-filled, sleazy, unglamorous, two-bit boxing noir. Amazingly shot by Milton Krasner. Unstylized fight scenes are crazy intense, no wonder Scorsese is a big fan. There’s joy and misery of seeing fellow meatballs battling it out, where paying spectators chant "KILL HIM!" #RobertRyan slogs through a hellish fight, then being subject to the fury of the gang. Just how much of this can a man take? A great tight noir. #thesetup #filmnoir #georgebellows
With a cool title sequence, rapid cuts, zoom-ins, extreme closeups, jazzy score and old New York scenery, there are a lot to love in Odds Against Tomorrow. It patiently spends 2/3rd of the film on the characters before the heist. #HarryBelafonte is mesmerizing as a conflicted anti-hero, so is #RobertRyan in his aging grizzly man persona. #GloriaGrahame shows up as saucy next door neighbor of Slater (Ryan) and their scene together is deliciously explosive. #robertwise #filmnoir