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November 11: origami for

Ceremonial , known as girei or can be seen hanging from the altar in this scene from 's 儀式 [Gishiki / The Ceremony] (1971).


November 12: on

In 's Mahler (1974), the sickly composer and his wife Alma () dwell on their shared lives while travelling to by train. Storylines – circular like a journey, rondo like 's compositions – drift from the ordinary to the grotesque ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/ma

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

November 13: someone becomes orphaned on

Les enfants terribles (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1950), based on a novel by Jean Cocteau.

With their mother bedridden, Elisabeth () nurtures her snowball-fight-injured brother Paul () back to health. Withdrawn in their family home, they form a strong manipulative bond, drawing others into their games ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/le


November 14: a child reading on

explores L'enfant sauvage (1970) right when the idea of the noble savage seemed to lock on with counterculture. With as Victor's tutor Itard in front of the camera, directly guiding amateur child actor (and “gipsy”) Cargol, the film not only reimagines Victor's fate, but reenacts Western presumed enlightenment over The Other ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/le


November 16: an Andy for

Everything is noise. Everything is light. Everything is dark. Everything is motion. Everything is static. Everything is energy. Everything is lethargy. Everything is rhythm. Everything is chaos. Everything is silent.

write.underworld.fr/settima/ki @art_film@a.gup.pe

November 17: someone sets a world record on

's (1964) tells about a small, arid town in that one day finds itself on the world's stage. Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre, a local salt lake that hasn't seen a drop of rain in nine years, is the perfect spot for a landspeed record attempt by British daredevil and his write.underworld.fr/settima/mu


November 18: an adoption on

Tätowierung [Tattoo aka The Delinquent] (1967)

16 year old Benno () lives in reformatory until the Lohmanns, a rich altruistic business couple decides to adopt him. For the teenager, this neatly regulated new bourgeois life feels all wrong. With his ne'er-do-well mate Sigi, Benno traverses write.underworld.fr/settima/ta


– Get the .
– It's got the Bible on top of it, keeping it quiet.

November 19: play a on

Two neat little ladies playing that quirky 1891 novelty game in 's The Bat Whispers (1930) summon the aforementioned bat, black-clad fiend and predecessor. Who is he? What does he want? And how can he be stopped? Do you know the answer?

YES                 NO
      GOOD B Y E


November 20: a

Two hopeless lonely hearts meet each other at , spending the most wonderful day in each other's company.

' joyful Lonesome (1928) was made just when motion pictures became talkies, and new and more modern novelties were expected by the audience. Fejős delivers, with sound and musical inserts, and the occasional – almost shocking – burst of colour ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/lo


November 21: an entrepreneur for

In my book, entrepreneur is just a fancy talk for conman. A famous one, the one who may've tried to sell you the , was George C. Parker. 's Peaches O'Day bamboozles it her way in 's Every Day's a Holiday (1937). And boy, does she have a bridge to sell you!



November 22: a party for !

Happy birthday, @bales1181!

Screenshot from satirical allegory 's O slavnosti a hostech [A Report on the Party and Guests] (1966)

November 23: family dinner for

While mother Scorsese's famous meatballs in gravy is working its way to perfection, son Martin interviews his parents Catherine and Charles. For those unsure what to cook, and for those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving at al, mama's recipe is included in 's (1974) end credits. And here ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/it


November 24: holiday shopping on

A little boy takes in the magic of pre-Christmas, while the adults rush and worry about all that must to be bought in 's Weihnacht (1963) > write.underworld.fr/settima/we


And yes, it's Bales time once again. Look, it's 's mom from my November 23 post!

November 25: protecting a woman on

In 's 隠し砦の三悪人 [The Hidden Fortress] (1958), a couple of greedy peasants escort a man and woman across enemy lines after the man has promised them a share of the gold they're carrying. Unknowingly, the fools not only protect their bounty, but a general and princess trying to escape an enemy clan so they can rebuild their kingdom ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/yi


November 26: a koala for

It's not possible to be in , one can only be absorbed by it. This is Peter Weir's Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975).


November 27: online shopping on

- What year is it now? I forgot.

In the soul crushing future of 1999, one heroic nuclear family bravely fulfils their gender-specific duties. While Father Mike works in his computer-aided office, Son Jamie fails at computer homeschool and Mother Karen slavishly shops, cooks, and cleans the cyber way. Thankfully, the future turned out to be even bleaker than could've imagined in his 1999 A.D. (1967).

November 28: someone is given something special for

& 's La Belle et la Bête (1946)

Just before leaving home, a father asks his three daughters what he can bring them as a return gift. The eldest two ask for silly, extravagant things, but the youngest simply wishes the most beautiful flower. The father finds it in an enchanted garden, guarded by a terrible beast… ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/la


Peace is at hand.
— Henry ,1972

Nov 30:

Over an 11 day period, the 1972 bombings resulted in 20000 tons of American shells being dropped on & , killing at least 1624 civilians. During this unmentionable carnage, directed The Little Girl of Hanoi (1974), which gave the people of North not only a face, but a voice ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/em @film@a.gup.pe

December 1: lights for

It took experimental filmmaker three years to shoot Lights (1966). From midnight until 1 AM, she filmed New York's window displays during the holiday season, using her camera, motion, colour, and available light sources as her paintbrush ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/li @film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

If you have a account, you can watch 's Lights (1966) on The -Makers' Coop channel here vimeo.com/230187590

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 2: shaving on

Accompanied by the sweet tunes of I Can't Get Started, a young man shaves. The Big Shave (1967) is short but contains many of the hallmarks of 's later work. 's theme here is the carnage laid upon so many young men sent off to the smouldering battlefields of the East. There'd be another 6 years of that. And meanwhile, some young men came back. And became cabbies ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/th


December 3: hugged on

Nanon () is mortally afraid of men. Of their grabbing, grasping, groping hands. She only trust knife thrower Alonzo the Armless () but he and accomplice () use the to hide from the long arm of the law. Who'd suspect an armless man? The Unknown (1927) is arguably and Chaney Sr's pinnacle of silent . 14 minutes are still missing. Check your attic!


December 4: a letter to Santa on

3615 code Père Noël (, 1989)

France's proto-Internet used codes, not URLs. Dial 3615ULLA to text with a sexy lady – some telecom employee pretending to be one – and 3615PERENOEL for Claus. The real one, of course. 9 yr old Thomas is dead set on proving that Santa is real and not some weirdo looking for a gullible kid to play with. A trap is set, and the boy waits ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/36

December 5: digging in soil on

Mr. Hayashi (Bruce Baillie, 1963)

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 7: a Judith/Judy for

, , & 's The Savage Eye (US, 1959/60) follows divorcée Judith X's lonely exploration of a gritty, hopeless LA. Filmed over 4 years by , , and in style, Eye feels naked and raw, and broke ground for the American New Wave that came crashing in a decade later ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/th

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 8: a for

Fireworks' (1947) Dreamer, , is still asleep. The violence is harrowing, filmed with such exquisite eye that it's impossible to look away. Blood finds its way out, pulsating and spurting. Ambiguous glances. A hand, no finger. A young man awakes, is born. The dreamer is still asleep ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/fi

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 9: something's lost and found on

A white , lost over , is shot down by a boy and found by an artist in 's directed and 's wonderfuly photographed Holubice [The White Dove] (1960).


December 10: a candle is lit for

Candles lit in prayer, longing, and in 's Nostalghia [Nostalgia] (1983).

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 11: mountains travelled on

In 's highly stylised 楢山節考 [The Ballad of Narayama] (1958), a starving community has come to the agreement that the elders approaching the age of seventy are to be carried up the mountain Narayama to die. The day prior to the mountain's festival, sixty-nine year old Orin prepares to leave, carried by her son Tatsuhei ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/yo


December 12: bad breath on

explores the taste, smell, history, and myth of that stinky rose, in Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers (1980). And manages to sneak in a little workers' rights agitprop along the way. It truly is a wonder spice!

@film@a.gup.pe ★★★½

December 13: the shows up for their

American dissidents are given the choice to spend decades in federal prison, or 3 days in the desert, chased by National Guardsmen et al. If they manage capture the American flag, they're free to go. While the washed-out 16mm footage and references may tell you otherwise, ' (1971) remains a gut-punching portrait of a timeless America.


Dec 14: filmed in Alabama on

George Wallace, governor, refused to allow Black students into the University. In Crisis (1963), et al followed Pres. Kennedy and AG R.F. Kennedy. They filmed everything; from tense phone calls, private moments (one of 's daughters on the phone with a perplexed Dept. Katzenbach), and many, many shots in which nothing – which is everything – is said ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/cr

December 15: pearls worn on

No one said those pearls were to be worn in an obvious place. From Henri d'Ursel surrealist-ish folly La perle [The Pearl] (1929).

December 16: an underdog movie for

Underdog Ánimas Trujano is dead set on becoming his town's next mayordomio. It may take a moment to get comfortable with casting Japanese movie legend as the titular important man, but from that moment on, 's Ánimas Trujano (El hombre importante) (1961) feels as universal as any great cinematic experience should be ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/an


December 18: Arabic spoken on

's ever-relevant La battaglia di Algeri [The Battle of ] (1966) ✊🏼


December 19: hard candy for

's haunting tales of childhood lost leaped from Ireland to in 's Si muero antes de despertar (1952). With similarities to Lang's M (1931), this fairy-tale feels more oppressive; due to the helplessness of a boy's power in an adult world and his understanding of grown-up responsibilities ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/si


– I am big. It's the pictures that got small.

December 21: a short girl for

The great Gloria Swanson (4'11” – 5ft 2 / 1,49 m) – fabulously dressed by Edith Head (5'1” / 1,55 m) with an endless parade of platform shoes – in Billy Wilder's Sunset Blvd. (1950). Also starring, Buster Keaton, who was 5'5” / 1,65 m.



December 22: on in India

Mahagonny (1980) is maker, artist, musicologist, & alchemist 's mathematical analysis of 's masterpiece The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, aka The Large Glass (1923), set to and 's Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, from 1930 ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/ma

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 23: farmers for in India

El-Fallâh el-fasîh [The Eloquent Peasant] (, 1970) takes place 4000 years ago, in 's Middle Kingdom. A peasant (), leading his mules past a stream of water, is tricked. With his animals gone, he pleads to the Pharaoh to restore Maʽat, harmony 𓀀 write.underworld.fr/settima/el

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

Dec 24: the night before Christmas on

Told in format, we follow the pitiful account of Monique, who as a young girl learns that her mother is not who she thinks she is. Even in the short comically melodramatic breathe that is 's Colloque de chiens (1977), the map has been laid out for Ruiz's later, much more complex narrative ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/co

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 25: a Santa for

means “a bestowing of life“. Like his ancestor in the arts Bernard Palissy and the ancient winter solstice celebration of the return of light that long ago spawned Christmas, 's The Insects' Christmas (1912) breathes life into real but inanimate beetles, dragonflies, and frogs. From me to you, here's a little Christmas treat ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D


December 27: a zoo on

's narrated and 's directed fable of life and decay, A Zed & Two Noughts [aka Z+00 or ZOO] (1985).

@film@a.gup.pe @art_film@a.gup.pe

December 29: a clock face on

Both 's story and 's 1964 adaptation Ken [Sword] (1964) follow arrogant student Jiro, who also appears in an earlier Mishima adaptation, Enjô (1958). The clock not only helps us understand the cruel punishment, but also embodies the characters' . ☞ write.underworld.fr/settima/ji

@film@a.gup.pe ★★★★½

December 30: discussing an elaborate plan on

Destitute phaeton driver Cabbar () his friend Hasan () and imam Hodja () have a wondrous plan to go out into the Kurdish wastelands to dig up an illusive treasure that may be Cabbar's only escape. Yılmaz Güney and 's Umut [Hope] (1970) is 's early venture into write.underworld.fr/settima/um


Umut is available in its original language with auto-generated Turkish subtitles on director Yılmaz Güney's official YT channel: yewtu.be/watch?v=eQvVmF08Cbg

Dec 31: !

A mousy bank clerk finds himself hiding in a shady cabaret on New Year's Eve instead of spending a quiet evening alone. During his stay he comes to identify more and more with his newfound persona and assumes the role of the notorious “Drago”.

An initial box office dud, O Drakos (1956) is now considered 1 of the top 10 all-time best Greek films.

and to many more discoveries in 2024!
