I have been collecting video documentation of our moment and posting the files and links in a bare-bones web depository at https://jftf.org/
I have been collecting video documentation of our moment and posting the files and links in a bare-bones web depository at https://jftf.org/
Today in Labor History March 13, 1968: Student demonstrations in Warsaw led to street riots. All Polish universities went out on strike against the repressive communist regime, with students occupying the campus buildings. The strike, which came in the wake of Soviet withdrawals of diplomatic relations with Israel, in protest of the 1967 war, spread throughout the country, leading to a violent government crackdown and antisemitic purge that was branded as anti-Zionism. Thousands of Jews fled the country because of political harassment and being fired from their jobs.
Analysis: Trump’s Christian Fascists & Palestine
Christian extremists in America bond with Jewish extremists over a shared fascism.
Christian Nationalists - who form the bedrock of support for Donald Trump - are campaigning for the White House to back Israel’s annexation of the West Bank & Gaza.
#Christofascism #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Trump #Palestine #Racism #Annexation .
Analysis: Trump’s Christian Fascists & Palestine
Christian extremists in America bond with Jewish extremists over a shared fascism.
Christian Nationalists - who form the bedrock of support for Donald Trump - are campaigning for the White House to back Israel’s annexation of the West Bank & Gaza.
#Christofascism #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Trump #Palestine #Racism #Annexation .
Analysis: Trump’s Christian Fascists & Palestine
Christian extremists in America bond with Jewish extremists over a shared fascism.
Christian Nationalists - who form the bedrock of support for Donald Trump - are campaigning for the White House to back Israel’s annexation of the West Bank & Gaza.
#Christofascism #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Trump #Palestine #Racism #Annexation .
Analysis: Trump’s Christian Fascists & Palestine
"Christian extremists in America bond with Jewish extremists in Israel not over religion but a shared fascism."
Christian Nationalists - who form the bedrock of support for Donald Trump - are campaigning for the White House to back Israel’s annexation of the West Bank & Gaza.
#Christofascism #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Trump #Palestine #Racism #Annexation .
... aaaaand fascism gains speed!
'In an emailed statement to The Verge, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin said that Khalil had been arrested “in support of President Trump’s executive orders prohibiting antisemitism.”'
via @theverge
"the mainstream of Australia has awakened to a worrying trend coalescing around the same issue: the extremism of Zionism clashing with mainstream Australian values. "
and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.
hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.
and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.
their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.
and then there’s the issue of #JewishDeicide
American Evangelicals will swear up and down that their Christian #Zionism isn’t a mask for their apocalyptic death cult fetishes and their not so hidden agenda of #JewishConversion.
here’s the thing: ask them, if they’re so against forcing Jews to convert to Christianity, why haven’t their “churches” not signed on to the RCCs ecumenical NOSTRA AETATE or added to it with their own?
This should be investigated as a call for ethnic cleansing/genocide.
Any suggestion that the entire area is Palestine will be met with manic opposition. For some strange reason, the "Australian Jewish Association" is still a registered charity.
#Christian #Zionism is not just a repackaging of #JewishDeicide. it is a whole tube of lipstick on the pig of #eschatological (aka apocalyptic) christian cults.
Since the 1960s, the RCC position is that, theocracy in any form, is inherently authoritarian. Authoritarianism goes against not just the #Gospels but, the Beatitudes and ultimately the core of Christianity: Do unto others.
in other words, you can’t be a Christian and be against religious freedom. theocracy is #heresy.
christian #zionism, evangelical or otherwise, is completely and resolutely #antisemitic.
the goal of guys like Mike Huckabee, the ambassador to #Israel, is to turn Jews to Christianity.
the zionism for evangelicals like Huckabee is just parseltongue for #theocracy.
evangelicals believe it’s a hop & a skip to their cult, once they harden the Jewish theocratic state.
what will they do with Jews who won’t convert?
ever heard of Crusades #fetishes?
they’re #necrophilia for evangelicals.
Quoting Uri Weiss (a legal scholar and game theorist):
[...] "Decisions by legal advisors and judges in Israel removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law, and this is what enabled the mass killing in Gaza. German law is part of the continental legal systems, and a parliamentary law removed the Jews there from the protection of the law. In contrast, Israeli law is part of common law systems, where decisions by judges and legal advisors are what removed Gaza residents from the protection of the law.
Uri Weiss argues that Israel's legal system has removed #Gaza residents from legal protection through judicial decisions that denied the status of occupation. He explicitly compares this process to how legal systems were used historically to enable genocide, drawing parallels with the Nuremberg Laws that stripped Jews of legal status before the Holocaust.
The denial of occupation in Gaza was expressed in court rulings that legitimized the starvation of Gaza. For example, In 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court denied that Israel was limiting the amount of food entering the Strip, but confirmed restrictions on fuel and electricity. According to the formula established by the court, Israel was only obligated to transfer "the amount of fuel and electricity required for essential humanitarian needs." A 2008 document from the Israeli military established a "minimum calorie" formula for Gaza residents, which he argues was designed to maintain people just above humanitarian crisis levels.
Hebrew https://www.mekomit.co.il/ההכחשה-המשפטית-של-הכיבוש-סללה-את-הדרך-ל/
[#claude] In continental legal systems (i.e. civil law), codes and statutes are designed to cover all possibilities and judges fill in gaps. In common law systems, case law is analyzed for precedents that are binding on lower courts. Civil law tends to be more conceptual and abstract; common law more pragmatic and concrete. The role of the judge differs dramatically - in civil law they primarily interpret; in common law they can effectively make law through precedent.
#Zionism #Nazism
Australian Federal Police (AFP) said they were confident this was a "fabricated terrorist plot", adding the belief was held "very early on after the caravan was located".
Despite that the AFP puffed up the risk, during the investigation and continue to use language designed to support ideologically motivated politicians and the Zionist DARVO agenda.
“Israeli Military Admits to 78,000 Wounded and Disabled Soldiers”
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“The Israeli Ministry of Defense has revealed that the number of wounded and disabled soldiers has risen to 78,000, with over 50% being reservists under 30 and 62% suffering from psychological injuries”
Making the bloom a desert
#Israel ’s founding myth of “making the desert bloom” could only work if it eliminated all traces of the society that came before it. That’s why #Zionism has always sought to erase the #Palestinian people, from the Nakba to the #genocide in #Gaza.
This post is for non-Jews, as it will be obvious to Jews.
The issue of whether one is Zionist or not as a Jew is deeply personal. But the fact is that no one would accept that a minority viewpoint of a mere 15% be given priority over the rest for any other group.
For gentiles who use social pressure, ostracization or even discrimination to promote anti-Zionism, this is nothing less than an expression of forced assimilation. As we Jews have experienced many attempts at forced assimilation in our history.
Jewish independence and resiliency is what they find offensive, and thus they construct "socially acceptable" ways to be Jewish.
The modern version of this began with Napoleon. It was furthered in the former Soviet Union, which saw Zionism as a threat.
The push by the left to ostracize mainstream Jews and destroy our desire for self-determination goes beyond issues of statehood.
They want us to assimilate and they can't stand that we won't.
#Violence in Syria in the 1980's might have altered the #DNA of #victims for generations, #researchers have found, citing evidence of #genetic transmission of stress.