Just finished #reading Ali Meghji's book "Decolonizing #Sociology"--great analysis of how #colonialism affected the sociology discipline & theoretical #canon. He argues for subverting sociological imperialism, centering the process and effects of coloniality within sociological research, & embracing #autonomous sociologies. It's very readable & approachable, clear in argument but also in its advocacy for walking a new path. Highly recommended, even for students.
The Injustice System scores another win:
...the "subject officer," told Dumas to get down and crawl toward him. As Dumas was on the ground, the officer kicked his head, with a civilian witness reporting it was "as if you're kicking … a soccer ball." Dumas was knocked unconscious, and had to undergo emergency surgery for a brain injury. Police determined he was unarmed, and he was never charged with a crime.
#CanadianInjustice #Injustice #Colonialism #Racism #CdnPoli
(posted an hour ago)
The Rapist is not backing down.
Burn down his house!
Elbows up!
The new world order of Authoritarians cares not for the rights of Indigenous people.....
and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.
hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.
and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.
their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.
@andrewstroehlein The ☭ Chinese colonizer regime closing access to Tibet is *only part of the reason* the plight of the Tibetan people has been all but forgotten in the Free World.
The forgetting fully correlates — over the years and decades — with the volume of democracies' business entanglement with the CCP dictatorship.
Foreign business missions queueing up for audition at CCP's Beijing headquarters *only months* after the Tiananmen massacre of June 4th 1989.
US bi-partisan decision to grant the Chinese dictatorship the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) trading priviledges in 1994 against all ethical considerations.
The entire Free World agreeing to grant the Chinese dictatorship full membership rights (to manipulate at will) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001... and what predictably happened to world trade thereafter...
Mirroring this appeasement and empowering of the CCP regime, critical media coverage of CCP's domestic and colonial repression and exploitation began vanishing from the coverage of media organizations owned by foreign billionaires and state broadcasters alike.
Notice how trump and maga has been *normalized* in much of media? Same principle. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Perhaps one day after Ukraine is secure and free we might consider offering at least *moral* support for the nation that was entirely overrun and enslaved by an unrepentingly imperialist neighbour, back in 1950.
It is worth noting that one key reason putin felt emboldened to attack Ukraine in 2014 and again in 2022 was that the Chinese dictatorship was allowed to avoid any real consequences for its own genocidal expansionism for all these decades.
Maybe we should try *NOT REWARDING* repressive and military-expansionst regimes and see if that works out better for humanity?
#Tibet #Ukraine #CCP #china #PRC #colonialism #imperialism #appeasement
10 March 1959
Canada and the RCMP did/do awful things to Inuit. One of these things was the widespread slaughter of dogs. Inuit relied upon these dogs for food, transportation, and protection.
An elder I know remembers the slaughter. Her father was out on the tundra with his dog team when RCMP came to her community and killed every dog.
He stayed out on the tundra alone with his dogs for months. He had to keep the dogs hidden from the cops or those dogs would've been killed too. He and his dog team kept that community fed all that time. Without his hunting, they would have starved. https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1732300419996/1732300456676 #Inuit #Canada #RCMP #DogSlaughter #SledDog #TruthAndReconciliation #genocide #colonialism
Permits ? we don’t need your stinkin’ permits !
“Allies” = all lies ?
#AUKUS #colonialism
#Darwin #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #nuclearSubmarines #OperationCaymus
am i the only one freaking out bc this is necessary? #HR1936 prohibit funds for our Armed Forces to invade or seize territory from Canada, the Republic of Panama, or the self-governing territory of Greenland
#colonialism #politics #economics #FascistAmeriKKKa https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1936
“Keith Kellogg, the White House’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, characterised the US decision to cut off intelligence sharing and military aid to Kyiv as like beating a farm animal with a piece of wood.
‘I think the best way I can describe it is sort of like hitting a mule with a two-by-four across the nose’”
Despicable. How dare they treat white Europeans the exact same way they (and we) have always treated Brown and Black people? What are we, fucking Palestinians?
Something about panthers. Something about faces.
Wonderful piece of research on the problems with #fashion industry and the myth of clothes #recycling
So crazy that we know nothing about this. Now imagine you are a nation of mostly brown skin people... Oh no, OH NO! #history #americanimperialism #canada #Colonialism
- You invaded us in 1775, but we defeated your army at Montreal
- You invaded us in 1812-14, but we defeated your army and burned Washington DC down, including the White House
- You invaded us in 1837 while we were dealing with an internal Lower Canada and Upper Canada rebellion, but we dropped everything and defeated the Hunter's Lodges army in the Richelieu River Valley and pushed them back over the border
- Same at the Battle of the Windmill in 1838
- Irish nationalist Americans (the Fenians) invaded Canada with tacit US government support many times in the 1870s and we repelled them all, even though we had to call up the army cadets to do it...
Is Trump dragging the world into a new era of blatant imperialism and neocolonialism?
"I will never know if my grandfather and his father realized the magnitude of their complicity in Italy’s colonial dreams."
Stefania D’Ignoti for New Lines Magazine: https://longreads.com/2025/03/07/my-grandpa-the-fascist/
Archaeoethnologica: The Patriachs, origins of Inequality / Os Patriarcas, Origens da Desigualdade
+INFO in: https://archaeoethnologica.blogspot.com/2024/03/os-patriarcas-origens-da-desigualdade.html
Archaeoethnologica: The Patriachs, origins of Inequality / Os Patriarcas, Origens da Desigualdade
+INFO in: https://archaeoethnologica.blogspot.com/2024/03/os-patriarcas-origens-da-desigualdade.html
Archaeoethnologica: The Patriachs, origins of Inequality / Os Patriarcas, Origens da Desigualdade
+INFO in: https://archaeoethnologica.blogspot.com/2024/03/os-patriarcas-origens-da-desigualdade.html
Archaeoethnologica: The Patriachs, origins of Inequality / Os Patriarcas, Origens da Desigualdade
+INFO in: https://archaeoethnologica.blogspot.com/2024/03/os-patriarcas-origens-da-desigualdade.html
Archaeoethnologica: The Patriachs, origins of Inequality / Os Patriarcas, Origens da Desigualdade
+INFO in: https://archaeoethnologica.blogspot.com/2024/03/os-patriarcas-origens-da-desigualdade.html