Remembering #PatrickMacnee on his birthday in the fun reunion for the Men from UNCLE in The Return of the Man from UNCLE : The Fifteen Years Later Affair (1983) (TV MOVIE)
Remembering #PatrickMacnee on his birthday in the fun reunion for the Men from UNCLE in The Return of the Man from UNCLE : The Fifteen Years Later Affair (1983) (TV MOVIE)
The Howling's Bark Is Worse Than Its Bite.... click link to read more.
#1981 #belindabalask #blogging #christopherstone #deewallace #dennisdugan #dickmiller #elisabethbrooks #horror #joedante #johncarradine #kevinmccarthy #movieblog #patrickmacnee #robertpicardo #slimpickens #thehowling #thehowlingreview #thecraggus
John Steed, The Avengers, c.1980s - Cult Images Postcard
John Steed and Emma Peel, The Avengers, c.1980s - Cult Images Postcard
This Werewolf Movie is One Howl of a Good Time!
#TheHorrorGeek #MikeBracken #SickFlicks #TheHowling #JoeDante #DeeWallace #JohnCarradine #DickMiller #PatrickMacnee #RogerCorman #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam
"I'm not surprised THE AVENGERS has such enduring popularity, because it was a groundbreaking series that changed television. It was the first show that put its leading man and leading lady on an equal footing."
— Patrick Macnee (1922–2015) #BOTD
The remainder of this Sunday evening is dedicated to enjoying some classic Avengers, from the superb Mrs Peel and Steed era.
The Sea Wolves (1980) an old-fashioned war adventure movie in the very best meaning of the term. With Gregory Peck, Roger Moore, David Niven, Trevor Howard, Patrick Macnee. There's a refreshing lack of cynicism
My review:
Dead Duck is an original 1966 novel inspired by the TV series The Avengers. It was credited to Patrick Macnee but was written by Peter Leslie. People keep dying and they've all eaten duck. An engagingly offbeat story with a fine crazy finale.
My review:
Mrs. Peel/Lola and Mr. Steed/Basil in “Who’s Who???”
#AvengersMatinee #ActionMatinee #WhosWho #DianaRigg #EmmaPeel #PatrickMacnee #JohnSteed #TheAvengers
Some sweet moments of Mrs. Peel and Mr. Steed in “The Joker”
#AvengersMatinee #ActionMatinee #TheJoker #DianaRigg #EmmaPeel #PatrickMacnee #JohnSteed #TheAvengers
#ActionMatinee March 4, 2023 #WatchParty #EmmaPeel
Note that these links may require signing in/registering beforehand, but they are free.
You may want to start 1 minute after the hour since the episodes do not have the production house logos of the ones on Prime
2pm ET - S5E13 - link
3pm ET - S5E14 - link
All welcome to the inaugural Saturday afternoon #ActionMatinee #WatchParty on March 4th at 2pm & 3pm ET.
We resume our adventures with the classic #TVseries THE AVENGERS, #Season5, available on #PrimeVideo or the #EmmaPeel DVD megaset
(see next toot for other links)
2pm ET - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Station (05x13)
3pm ET - Something Nasty in the Nursery (05x14)
#JohnSteed #PatrickMacnee #DianaRigg #AvengersUKTV
(1 of 2)
"It was the first show that put its leading man and leading lady on an equal footing."
— #PatrickMacnee (1922–2015)
The co-star of #TheAvengers (with #DianaRigg) was #BornOnThisDay.
A #classictv gem is with #BOTD #PatrickMacNee and his trusty bowler hat in THE AVENGERS.
Linda Thorson as Tara King and Patrick Macnee as Steed in The Avengers episode from 1968 Look - (Stop Me If You've Heard This One) But There Were These Two Fellers...
Written by Dennis Spooner. A wonderful episode.