Question: What's a #Linux user's favorite dessert on Pi Day?
Answer: Raspberry Pi!
Question: What's a #Linux user's favorite dessert on Pi Day?
Answer: Raspberry Pi!
A dreadful backup box mistake was made but then rectified, whether to take on the technical debt of an older Ubuntu LTS, and why there are more important battles to fight than advocating for FOSS.
Hello, je ne connais pas spécialement la boîte mais ils sont à la recherche d'un administrateur système / devops qui aime travailler avec des outils Libre / OpenSource. Ils sont basés à Toulouse.
Ça pourrait peut-être vous intéresser?
Lien (welcome to the jungle):
It's 4:30PM on a Friday, and I'm sat on the floor of a toilet attempting to fix a very broken upgrade of Ubuntu Server.
At least it appears to be *booting* now, so on the plus side I may be able to return to the desk.
#linux can really take you to some odd places. So fellow #sysadmin of Mastodon, I hope your week has gone better than mine.
The enchanting of one device is not enough for some wizards, they must make several of them speak together. #Linux #OpenSource
Olen käyttänyt tmuxia paljon ja vuosia, mutta en ole koskaan edes ajatellut että tätä voisi tuunata vaikka miten. Pitäisiköhän vihdoin hypätä tähänkin kaninkoloon.
Gonna do a bit of some gaming now.
Pick a platform:
I recommend watching thru mpv:
DXVK Version 2.6 Released: #linux #linuxgaming #update #foss #release #dxvk
#Linux kernel version 1.0.0 was released OTD in 1994
Do you think governments should move towards using a Linux distro for computer systems rather than windows?
Please boost for maximum exposure.
Android 16 beta 3 Linux terminal now has network connectivity by default!
#android #android16 #linux #debian
@ai6yr @briankrebs OFC this targets #TechIlliterates and the only effective means here are:
This Brittanic child-wizard device can whisper secrets along wires or through the air. #RaspberryPi #Linux #IPnetworking #OpenSource
@briankrebs why am I not surprised at this?
Needless to say, it was only a matter of time till we see auto-copying #JavaScript to be weaponized for that...