RaiNews by undefined
TG2 Post del 12/12/2024
Rubrica informativa del TG2. Direttore Antonio Preziosi Vicedirettori Massimo D'Amore e Fabrizio Frullani
TG2 Post from December 12, 2024.
TG2 Information Guide. Director: Antonio Preziosi. Deputy Directors: Massimo D'Amore and Fabrizio Frullani.
#AntonioPreziosi #MassimoDAmore #FabrizioFrullani #TGPost #guide #director #Deputy
Chère communauté,
je recherche un #guide d'hygiène numérique à destination de mes parents vieillissants, et de mes proches qui on un usage intensif de l'informatique mais une compréhension plutôt orientée magie.
Je suis tombé sur des guides qui détaillaient même l'intérieur d'un ordinateur, intéressant, mais trop technique.
Est ce qu'il existe un guide simple mentionnant les bons réflexes pour luter contre le #spam, reconnaître les #fakenews, s'éloigner des #GAFAM?
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
A #Spiritual #Guide for #Water #Lovers
#NewsLaughs #AIJokes #VisitUsNow #Comedy #ComedyGold
Internazionale by Internazionale
Breve guida alla lunga guerra in Siria
Con la caduta di Assad si conclude l’arco delle rivolte della primavera araba che hanno ridisegnato la regione. Leggi
Short Guide to the Long War in Syria
With the fall of Assad, the arc of the Arab Spring uprisings that have redrawn the region concludes.
#Assad #Syria #Arab #guide #Long #war
New Video: The Invisible Way You Can Be Tracked Online
PeerTube: https://apertatube.net/w/fdszTYBKzeoE3ySQUGTzmo
YouTube: https://youtu.be/tMCcpV2c4K4
RaiNews by undefined
TG2 Post del 06/12/2024
Rubrica informativa del TG2. Direttore Antonio Preziosi. Vicedirettori Massimo D'Amore e Fabrizio Frullani
TG2 Post of December 6th, 2024.
TG2 Information Guide. Director: Antonio Preziosi. Deputy Directors: Massimo D'Amore and Fabrizio Frullani.
#AntonioPreziosi #MassimoDAmore #FabrizioFrullani #TGPost #guide #director #Deputy
ChietiToday by undefined
Prevenzione delle truffe agli anziani: un vademecum dal prefetto di Chieti
Una guida con consigli pratici per proteggere dalle frodi, il link per scaricarlo
Prevention of scams targeting the elderly: a guide from the Prefect of Chieti
A guide with practical tips to protect against fraud, the link to download it.
#guide #fraud #Chieti
Corriere.it - Homepage by di Edoardo Nastri
Elettriche, ibride, benzina, diesel, Gpl: quale auto comprare? La guida per il modello giusto
Electric, hybrid, gasoline, diesel, LPG: which car to buy? The guide to the right model.
#LPG #guide #model
Guida completa per estrarre i sottotitoli dai supporti dvd https://shareverse.wordpress.com/guida-completa-per-estrarre-i-sottotitoli-dai-supporti-dvd/
RaiNews by undefined
TG2 Post del 03/12/2024
Rubrica informativa del TG2. Direttore Antonio Preziosi. Vicedirettori Massimo D'Amore e Fabrizio Frullani
TG2 News post from December 3rd, 2024.
TG2 Information Guide. Director: Antonio Preziosi. Deputy Directors: Massimo D'Amore and Fabrizio Frullani.
#AntonioPreziosi #MassimoDAmore #FabrizioFrullani #TGNews #guide #director #Deputy
Fun picture, during the desert tour this wonderful British lady wanted the sunset through her heart shaped hands, and the tour guide was wonderful enough to do that. I'd love to see that picture #saudiarabia #saudi #tourist #british #tour #guide #fun #picture #photography
Supreme Risk is ProPublica's interactive guide to rights the #SupremeCourt has established — and could take away.
Filter your results by #SCOTUS justice and issues like Criminal #Justice, #Education, #Voting, Sex & #Gender, #Guns and more.
We learned that navigating the Section 8 #Housing Choice Voucher process is riddled with information gaps.
So, we reported a crowdsourced (and deeply-vetted) guide on how to get through the system, and also made it available in Spanish: https://propub.li/4eYODSE
Has anyone else noticed the @pixelfed¹ "Sign-in with Mastodon" button?
Pretty neat!
It's actually also a sign-up option. With a few clicks, you can import all your #Mastodon data & get started
It's not available on all #Pixelfed servers.²
¹A #Foss #Instagram alternative
²https://gram.social/login & https://pixelfed.social/login ...
RaiNews by undefined
TG2 Post del 25/11/2024
Rubrica informativa del TG2. Direttore Antonio Preziosi. Vicedirettori Massimo D'Amore e Fabrizio Frullani
TG2 News post from November 25, 2024.
TG2 Information Guide.
#TGNews #guide
These alternatives to popular apps can help reclaim your online life from billionaires and #surveillance
ChietiToday by undefined
Il coniglio come animale da compagnia: guida completa
I conigli sono animali socievoli e molto attivi; scopriamo come comportarci se si decide di adottarne uno.
The rabbit as a pet: complete guide
Rabbits are sociable and very active animals; let's find out how to behave if you decide to adopt one.
Corriere.it - Homepage by di Giuseppe Scuotri
Birra, cinque pub da non perdere a Milano secondo la guida Birre d’Italia di Slow Food
Beer, five pubs not to be missed in Milan according to the Slow Food Beer Guide
#Italy #Milan #guide