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PROMO Il est là ! Notre album Agraphon ! Deux faces, une hominidée, l'autre non. L'interprétation sonore de mon roman médiéval immersif et éco-féministe Agrapha, avec Mushin.
SELF-PROMOTION ! It's out! Our album Agraphon! Two sides, the hominid-one, the post-human one. The sound-art interpretation of my immersive ecofeminist medieval novel Agrapha, with Mushin.
#fieldrecording #acousmatic #AcousmaticMusic #middleages #soundart #soundscape #ecofeminism

For the past years I’ve worked on an eco feminist collage series of vulvas. In the beginning I didn’t know where I was going, but it is clear to me now and the work continues to deepen. Activism takes many forms in which art is one.

Under the capitalist patriarchy earth is being exploited to the degree that we are in a climate collapse. The system is build on exploitation and oppression of minorities and indigenous peoples. The colonial patriarchal ways of thinking is binary: culture/nature, white/racialised, man/woman, civilised/uncivilised etc. This gives the white man power and privileges and positions him above nature, above other genders, above POC people.

Eco feminism is the opposite, through the lens of intersectionality we can see how the systems of oppression are interconnected and deeply intertwined with the current genocide and ecocide.

We must connect with our humanity from which we are cut in this current system.

We are interconnected, we are nature and this where our power to change the systems of oppressions lies. To learn of indigenous wisdom, to be in solidarity, to connect with our humanity. We are equipped for the revolution. The revolution is already here.

Text on the last picture is from the book “Økofeminismer” by NOAH quoting Robin Wall Kimmerer.

#ecofeminism #feminism #intersectionalfeminism #feministart #feminist #collage #analogcollage #nature #wearenature #witchcraft #witch

11 Things About Me:

1. I still <3 memes
2. I mostly post about #cats, food, #music, politics, and #memes.
3. I am half-deaf, #bionic, and have #ADHD
4. I make music using #AbletonLive
5. I like to #sing and #dance
6. I play #HammeredDulcimer, keys, & guitar.
7. #Introvert
8. I recently took up #running, and now I have Crunchy Bone Syndrome
9. I <3 beaches, mountains, and warm weather
10. I like #SciFi and #Fantasy
11. Also interested in #SolarPunk and #EcoFeminism

Now you know. #introductions

Whats up Eldritch Cafe ! I'd like an expresso please ^^ #dadjokes

I'm Brazilian emigrated in France
I'm in my early 30's.

I'm interested in #anarchism #libertariancommunism #libertariansocialism #autonomism #antispeciesism #veganism #animalliberation #invisibleism #decolonialism #degrowth queer #ecofeminism #syndicalism squats

I like reading #philosophy #psychology #sociology and #ethics

And of course, #memes , pictures of #animals such as #cats and others.

What else?
Academia #guitar #music #brasil #cooking #bycicle #latinamerica

Qualé Eldritch Café ! Desce um expressinho por gentileza ^^ #piadasdetio #tiodopave

Eu sou brasileiro emigrado na França.
Eu estou no começo dos meus 30.

Me interessa #anarquismo #comunismolibertário #socialismolibertário #autonomismo #antiespecismo #veganismo #libertaçãoanimal #invisibilismo #decolonialismo #decrescimento queer #ecofeminismo #sindicalismo #okupa

Gosto de ler #filosofia #psicologia #sociologia #ética e #pensamentosocialbrasileiro

E, claro, #memes, fotos de #animais como #gatos e outros.

Que mais?

Academia #violão #guitarra #música #brasil #cozinhar #bicicleta #américalatina

Salut Eldritch Café ! J'aimerais un alongé, s'il vous plaît ^^ #blaguesdepapa

Je suis brésilien émigré en France.
Je suis dans mon 4ème décennie de vie.

Je suis intéressé par l' #anarchisme #communismelibertaire #socialismelibertaire #autonomisme #antispécisme #veganisme #liberationanimale #invisibilisme #decolonialisme #décroissance #queer #ecofeminisme #syndicalisme #squats

J'aime bien lire de la #philosophie #psychologie #sociologie #ethique

Et bien sûr des #memes, des photos des #animaux comme des #chats mais pas que.

Quoi d'autre ?
#academia #guitare #musique #brésil #cuisiner #randonné #vélos #ameriquelatine

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