Campaigners are now using a potential 2024 legal precedent to target mega animal farms using a net-zero argument.
#farming #animalfarming #animalrights #animalliberation #animalwelfare
Court Ruling Could Help Campai...
Campaigners are now using a potential 2024 legal precedent to target mega animal farms using a net-zero argument.
#farming #animalfarming #animalrights #animalliberation #animalwelfare
Court Ruling Could Help Campai...
Raffaela Raab ("the militant vegan") is a controversial vegan activist from Austria
The title of this song means "Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself" and I'll soon upload my #BlackMetal cover version here
Chorus means:
I hope you'll be in the chick culling machine
There's still room for you in the gas chamber
Our feast on the murderer's plate
Tastes freshly of your death cry
Every animal wants freedom—just like us.
Choose compassion. Choose vegan.
Go vegan for the animals. Get FREE support and plant-based recipes here:
#veganism #vegan #animalrights #animalliberation #veganshare
Oppressive structures can survive only if they are not exposed.
What we seek is to bring to light these systemic patterns that still make it possible for humans to view + treat all sentient life as inferior and not worthy of our protection + respect.
Raise your voice. Don’t just post your plantbased foods (which are awesome) but add WHY being & eating in a vegan way is your choice in life.
Give peace on a plate a chance!
Kentucky Animal Action and The Arrow Fund joined in a rally calling for stronger animal rights bills in the state.
#kentucky #animalrights #animallaw #animalliberation #activism
Animal Advocates Rally for Ani...
Animals are not ours to use as we please - they are sentient beings, NOT objects
Discover the truth about how we treat animals - watch Dominion:
: Clip credits on video
#veganism #animalrights #animalliberation #veganshare #veganmovement
Amphibians Tours with Graad!
Human built roads. Nature is okay with that but want to use them too. The toad migration has begun!
'A little help from my friends'
I saved two
from a fast electric bike, a fatbike and a dog
'I am so emotional bby'
One and for one
was it too late
'Bright eyes....' ♪
When the average temperature over a day is 8 to 10 °C and this lasts for about 3 days, the male toads wake up. They are smaller, so they warm up faster. For the females it is important that this temperature lasts for about a week. The humidity also affects the
toad migration, they prefer to go out when it is humid, because their skin
is sensitive to drying out.
Most traffic casualties occur during the great migration from about mid-February to the end of March.
This can involve
thousands of animals per night!
#nature #toadmigration #paddentrek #amphibians #animalliberation
"How long does it take for contemporary “anarchists” to notice the battery cages, the open-air prisons of fenced enclosures, the exhibitions of zoos, the concealed brutality of slaughterhouses, the speciesism of consuming some non-human animals but building relationships with others? Or the interconnected ways society views non-human animals as the lowest common denominator to compare those of the oppressed category to?"
#veganarchy #animalliberation #antispeciesism #vegan #speciesism #anarchism #anarchy #totalliberation #collectiveliberation #nihilism #postleft
How would you like humans to talk when you were the victim?
As silent as possible?
They've done nothing of the sort, we're still waiting for the records of most of the hearings from November onwards.
So we're working through our notes and live tweets to write the reports anyway.
Here's our summary of the evidence from 'Walter', a hunt saboteur in the 1980s and 1990s who was spied on and lied about by six different spycops for no real reason.
Brilliant journalism again from Tom Fowler at the Undercover Policing Inquiry, reporting on officer HN1 'Matt Rayner' & his wholly fictional report to the Home Office about how the Animal Liberation Front were going to murder people.
Superb analysis/opinion here.
6 sweet quails rescued from slaughter and now living out their days in this beautiful aviary we built for them welcome to your new life!
#AnimalRescue #AnimalLiberation #GoVegan
The spycops public inquiry resumed today, beginning a set of hearings largely focused on officer HN1 'Matt Rayner' who infiltrated animal rights groups in London 1991-1996.
Today's hearing is questoning activist Paul Gravett. Here's Tom Fowler's reaction video made during the lunch break, talking to Robin Lane.