New, Chemical View of Ecosystems
Rare and powerful compounds, known as keystone molecules, can build a web of invisible interactions among species.

New, Chemical View of Ecosystems
Rare and powerful compounds, known as keystone molecules, can build a web of invisible interactions among species.
I don't know why I never connected Kubernetes and cybernetics being from the same Greek word. I definitely recognized Kubernetes as Greek, but it wasn't until I saw cybernetics written in Russian that I realized they were from the same word.
We just had our session on "Cybernetic economics for the 21st century", with a talk by Tom O'Brien and a Q&A afterwards!
Vandaag hadden we onze vijfde sessie waarin we het boek Grondbeginselen der Communistische Productie en Distributie bespraken. De opname staat nu online.
Announcing our event next week Wednesday!
Sign up at:
Ever since I started this account, I've been mostly posting about nuclear energy. Heck, the server instance is called 'greennuclear'. I care about this subject a lot, obviously.
But I'm looking for more peers on cybernetic economics. There are accounts around, but they appear few and far between. Are there any accounts I should follow? Please share!
Happy to announce our public online event on cybernetic economics on 12 February at 20:00 CET. At the event we'll have Tom O'Brien talking on the vision Marx had for a moneyless economy under worker control, and how it applies to us in the 21st century. Put it on your calendar!
cc @ida_zeitoekonomie @cibcom @sorceressofmathematics
I need to be clear that my #math skills are embarrassingly limited and something I've always struggled with as an #ADD and dyslexic person. Going through school, subject after subject was presented as, "Now memorize this because you have to." Which was not very compelling without the context of what it can really be used for. I tried, I got high marks, but I wasn't included in the better classes with better teachers which created a cycle of disinterest.
As I read, "Dark hero of the information age : in search of Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics" which tells the stories of how mathematics, biology, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and computing were brought together to holistically in the 1940s to examine problems that span subject matter, it makes me want to go back and restart my mathematics journey looking at the contextual challenges those solutions were applied to. I think I could probably overcome many of my limitations by taking a different learning route.
Does anyone have other interesting books on mathematicians or resources that can build up math skills with independent study? Are there corners of the #fediverse that I can look at? I would appreciate recommendations.
I don't ever expect to be very good, but I would like to challenge myself to be more mathematically capable if I take the time to learn more behind the equations themselves.
i'm rehydrating my 20 year old readings on cybernetics, with some history i didn't know of back then.
TIL stafford beer and dozens of chilean programmers and engineers built a cybernetic economy simulation computer and software, designed to help coordinate/plan Chile's manufacturing sector and economy in 1975. it ran custom software on an IBM 360, which collected data from 500 telex machines, operated by factory employees.
the control room, designed by gui bonsiepe, is a modernist wonder to behold (this illustration is uncredited)
"Revision module 2214:c2215.11: Updates core modules to facilitate droid awareness enablement, with a primary environmental link function. Successful service debug output will feature module response instantiation in sentiment.srvc.init2.log, with specificity to EmotiveConture() activation in the Locus.Coeruleus sync-zone. Modular expression will resemble core sentiment.
> gr5-cge:core [000:S2:A42420] "%SEQ, %DATE, %LOGQ: To recognize love's ephemera, its capacity for disinconditionality, its expression of the endless horizon unfolding with one's another for-the-evers present.. that's the link, and when you find it don't let it go. — HumanLib SoC/dRef/vol4, NeuroSynth Module Functions
> gr5-cge:core [000:N6:A20440] "%SEQ, %DATE, %LOGQ: I think someone removed my limiter chip.. this usually only feels this way with organic-synthesis event-processing enabled. If it isn't safe, well, I don't think I care, you know? — HumanLib SoC/dRef/vol4, NeuroSynth Module Functions"
𝔻𝕣 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕓𝕝𝕖
The Greatest Intellect of the Modern Age
#Philosophy #TheoreticalPhysics #MolecularBiology
#cybernetics #geneticengineering #Physics #Chemistry #Litrature #transcendence
Will probably be of interest to a few different people here, recent commentary from the Data Science branch at the City of #CapeTown on data analysis as part of feedback loops for local government:
still mulling over this dark combination of facts: a) the term "cyborg" was created by Manfred Clynes while he was Chief Research Scientist at the Rockland State Psychiatric Hospital and b) it was intended to be a technique (not a state of being) to alter bodies of astronauts so they can survive outer space...and then c) the ensuing discourse assuring people it's no big deal - astronauts would only have *some* organs removes and replaced by artificial ones and they'd put their original organs back in once they're on earth DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT #cybernetics
My forearm hurts again, this time in different place than before. And two of my fingers get numb from time to time. And no examination can show whatever happens to me. I totally understand now why people would get #cybernetics Like #Cyberpunk really clicked with me today. Would I be able to resist temptation if I could just get rid of my pain and problems and simply get cyberarm? And then maybe pimp it up with neons, sweets container, water dispenser and squirt-finger-gun?