YouTube-Auto-Dubbing: Robotische Übersetzung nervt User und ist nicht abdrehbar
YouTube setzt auf ein automatisches Feature, das fremdsprachige Videos schlecht ins Deutsche übersetzt. Auch Premium-Zahler können es nicht dauerhaft abdrehen.

YouTube-Auto-Dubbing: Robotische Übersetzung nervt User und ist nicht abdrehbar
YouTube setzt auf ein automatisches Feature, das fremdsprachige Videos schlecht ins Deutsche übersetzt. Auch Premium-Zahler können es nicht dauerhaft abdrehen.
Today in Media Studies @ VIU
Students in Audio production class checking out Max, Object Oriented sound creation and mixing!
#viu #mediastudies #arts #production #media #audio #programming
I am currently playing around with integrating my script with #HomeAssistant. For that I am using the RESTful Command integration (see: to interact with the script through web requests.
This is actually working really good.
Note though that because I am using SSL on my HA instance, I also had to add a self-signed cert to my python script.
Does anyone know the terms for traditional in-ear earphones that sit slightly outside your ear canal vs the ones fashionable nowadays that you stick all the way in with foam or rubber caps? Cannot find any consistent names to distinguish these even though they are totally different.
I cannot use the ones you stick all the way inside, but it's really difficult to find search terms for the traditional kind.
EDIT: Searching for earbuds or earphones doesn't work, shows ones that go all the way in. I'm trying to find the other kind?
EDIT 2: FOUND IT! Apparently they are called "flathead" earphones?
Morgenmagazin für Dresden und Ostsachsen vom 13. März zum Nachhören
+++ Bürger*innenbegehren zur Rettung der DVB +++ Crowdfunding für kulturelle Vielfalt im Radio +++ Autorin Simone Bauer über die Leipziger Buchmesse und den Literaturbetrieb +++ Reportage: Die Ringer*innen des SV Dresden 1950 +++ Internati
#Audio #Dresden #Empfehlung #Event #Gender #Inklusion #Kultur #Kunst #MigrationPsychologie #Musik #Ostsachsen #Stadtpolitik #Umwelt #Updates #Verkehr
I sometimes (not often enough) write up crazy ideas I've had that I never actually got around to making... so here's An Automated Announcement System!
"An audio robot to do the work for you…"
Etwas mehr Vielfalt im Radio nützt uns allen
Unser Sendungsmachender Victor Labra Holzapfel hat Großes vor. Während öffentlich-rechtliche Sender mehrsprachige und kulturübergreifende Formate mehr und mehr aus ihren Programmen drängen, will er mit den Radio-Projekten des SIK e.V. auf coloRadio interkulturelle Vielfalt für mindestens 9.000 Minuten pro Jahr hörbar mach
#Audio #Dresden #Empfehlung #FreieRadios #Interview #Kultur #MigrationPsychologie #Politik
I've run an early Bass session today. The setup of my effects are in the photographs
I can dwell on them, if you would want some extra information; the hashtags tell you which brands of pedals I use even though they are clearly visible in the photographs
Wenn es Geld kostet, Hände weg!
Die Buchmesse in Leipzig steht vor der Tür. Von der Autorin Simone Bauer wollten wir wissen, wie sie Buchmessen erlebt und was sie Schreibenden, die ihre ersten Werke veröffentlichen wollen, beachten sollten, wenn sie auf Agent*innen- und Verlagssuche gehen. Außerdem wollten wir wissen, mit welchen Geschichten sie selbst in diesem Jahr ihr Publikum glücklich machen
#Audio #Empfehlung #Event #Gender #Interview #Kultur #Kunst
What does your Amp modeler sound like, in comparison with the real tube amps and cabinets that you have at your musical space?
Z #NowPlaying At the top of the hour get your weekly dose of American and British #comedy with Eine Kleine Comedy Train Wreck Presented by Shawn Klein. #audio #TGVRadio #demented #standup #radio
Die Linke sammelt Unterschriften gegen Kürzungen im Dresdner Nahverkehr
Das Gute an der Politik in einer Demokratie ist, dass man ihr nicht machtlos ausgesetzt ist. In Dresden stehen momentan schmerzhafte Einschnitte bei den Dresdner Verkehrsbetrieben DVB zur Debatte. André Schollbach, Fraktionsvorsitzender der Partei Die Linke im Dresdner Stadtrat, hat nun ein Bürger*innenbegehr
#Audio #Dresden #Politik #Stadtpolitik #Umwelt #Updates #Verkehr #Wirtschaft
@mosgaard @amadeus if you just want distraction-free editing, you may want to look at #VScodium [1], #neovim [2] or even #NvChad [3] for editing depending on how you feel like and what suits you best.
If you want or need to switch computers rather often, consider buying a SATA (or NVMe) - SSD with DRAM-Cache and a matching external enclosure and install your #distro of choice on that instead, as unlike #Windows, basically all #Linux distros allow installations on external drives.
-Don't forget to use #FullDiskEncryption!
If you need to share your work with others or sync it across devices, consider @nextcloud / #nextcloud.
As for #audio I'm shure you know #audacity and #LMMS...
If you use the terminal rather often, consider setting up some nifty aliases to make things faster.
function isup() { ping -a -b -c 1 -D "$@"; }
to your .bash_aliases
file in your $HOME
directory so if you use i.e. isup
it'll do a single run of ping
to reach said domain/FQDN/IP...But the final #ProTip I can give you is to #backup your $HOME
-directory under /home/yourusername
because in it's hidden subdirectories, espechally $HOME/.config/
are usually all the settings for your applications stored so in case you need to setup a new machine or restore one from backups, this is where all the minor changes of yours to make your system work best for you are being stored.
You may need to press Ctrl+H
IN THE File Manager to see hidden files.
For backups, tools like #DéjàDup make it easy to setup, backup and restore your files as you want or need, including encryption and deduplication.
I hope that'll help you not only get started but also get the maximum efficiency out of your distro as a creative tool without fuss.
New Archive: The Digital Domain Online Radio Show for March 3, 2025 w/ @nick and Bob #audio
As a person who has been around professional audio for over 25 years, I very rarely make product recommendations. There are just so many factors on why one product might work better for me than for someone else. There are products that have a better chance of working for someone over another alternative based on technical knowledge and quality of the components.
All of this to say; my Kali Audio LP6 nearfield monitors, as fed from a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface from the PC, consistently impress me with how amazing they sound. The sound is detailed yet listenable. The imaging blows me away.
I don't have a treated room. I have the monitors on stands on my desk about 3' from my ears in a triangle configuration. It just works.
Now playing Miles Davis - Water Babies 1968
LP 96kHz Analog version
I'm paying attention to the incredible double Bass!!!
A new story is out! “The Vengeance Hungry Caterpillar” Click here (or wherever you get your podcasts) Enjoy!
#humor, #storytelling, #comedy, #satire, #funny, #fiction, #audio