What to do when your G string is a bit big… #recording #musicians #musician #guitar #guitarist #vibrationists #obidos #portugal #luthier #gearsquad #FediMusic #FediArt #MastoMusic #MastoArt #gearsquad https://substack.com/profile/118813522-simon-campbell/note/c-100120182
Curious. Do you have a pick ups preference, for prs guitars, through the years and current offerings? Have they improved over time? #GearSquad #prs #guitar #PickUps
Moon over the Big Guitar
Near #FullMoon and Krononaut Moon (minus 1 night) over #Catonsville #MD #US. 2025 Mar 12 EDT 9pm. Almost the #TotalLunarEclipse.
I've run an early Bass session today. The setup of my effects are in the photographs
I can dwell on them, if you would want some extra information; the hashtags tell you which brands of pedals I use even though they are clearly visible in the photographs
Amp switcher: relays array design
Background story: https://fosstodon.org/@awai/114093865582292065
Project overview: https://fosstodon.org/@awai/114110547162586997
As I mentioned previously, I intend to design a single board for both the input and ouput switching sections.
I had initially planned to have only the jacks (and associated relays/circuitry) going to/from the amp on the board; then I wanted to add the speaker out jack, and maybe also a buffer, and make it optional, and... Well, you get the idea
What does your Amp modeler sound like, in comparison with the real tube amps and cabinets that you have at your musical space?
@dmandl Seven bars of 7/4 with ascending triads (and a 7#9) on top. Here is the guitar tab if the GearSquad would like to try this at home. #GearSquad #guitar