Confira a letra da música “Alive” de Alok
#Alok #Alive
Confira a letra da música “Alive” de Alok
#Alok #Alive
Découvrez les paroles de la chanson “Alive” de Sia
#Sia #Alive
Happy St David's Day and the first day of #spring.
Our #garden is #alive with #bees and nodding flowers that are bouncing back from the night frosts that turned them all into floral musical statues until the warmth of the sun releases them once again.
I can hear you cursing under your breath.
Talking sh*t while walking, what a talent to possess.
And how you're, how you're feeling could be anybody's guess.
So count your blessings carefully, my darling, save your prayers.
We are alive, we are alive
And thank God there was an angel, not a devil by your side.
We are alive, we are alive
And as long as we are breathing, we can keep this dream alive.
Testo della canzone “Alive” di Sia
#Sia #Alive
The #Psychology of a #Life Worth #Living
A Personal Perspective:
Exploring the #triumphs, #tragedies, and #mysteries of what it means to be #alive.
My #sleep is so much better now after the #septoplasty to fix my #deviated #septum.
After this #surgery, can finally #breathe through my #nose and no longer wake up every few minutes. I’m so #thankful for this.
I’m thankful for the #doctors and #nurses who do this work and perfect their crafts. I’m thankful for the #medical profession in general. I wish our #healthcare system in the US was different, obviously. I wish #insurance wasn’t a necessary thing. But while I have it, I am thankful.
I woke up #happy finally. I woke up with energy. I woke up #excited to be #alive. It has truly changed my #life.
Paroles de la chanson “Alive” de Alok
#Alok #Alive
Käytäntöarkkitehtuureista lukiessani pistin jostain satunnaisesta syystä taustalle soimaan levyn, jota en ole kuunnellut varmaan…15 vuoteen. Kannatti!
Terry Callierin Alive, Lontoon Jazz Cafessa taltioitu folksouljazzahtava timanttinen keikka toimii edelleen. Tsekidaut!
"Waiting for Tonight" is a song written by #MariaChristensen, Michael Garvin, and Phil Temple. It was originally recorded by Christensen's girl group #3rdParty for their debut studio album, #Alive (1997). Two years after the group disbanded, American singer #JenniferLopez recorded her own version of the song for her debut studio album, #OnThe6 (1999). #RicWake and Richie Jones produced Lopez's Hispanic #house version of "Waiting for Tonight".
Been busy & forgot to post my #Undead line up from yesterday so I'm posting them today. Yesterday I watched on Netflix (a couple of favs) Vampires vs the Bronx 2019 & the 3-episode series Dracula 2020 & today I watched (some more faves) off Shudder Boys from County Hell 2020 & on Netflix #Alive 2020. I also finished the 3rd season of Z Nation. #MyHorrorfest #Vampires #Dracula #Zombies #HorrorMovies #HorrorSeries #Horror #HorrorFilms
#Georgia's #abortion #ban #killed a #young #mother. The #ChristianRight engaging in victim blaiming
#Antichoice #extremists argue that if #AmberNicoleThurman had #submitted to #forced #childbirth, she'd still be #alive
#US #woman #died after #abortionlaw #delayed #urgent #medicalcare.
#AmberNicoleThurman, 28, experienced a rare #complication after taking #abortionpills and died during a #critical #procedure in what ProPublica said was the first #abortion-related #death officially deemed "#preventable."
"Amber would be #alive right now if it wasn't for #DonaldTrump and #BrianKemp's #abortion #ban, They have #blood on their hands."
Was surprised today when I read "pinked him in the quick". I presumed it should be "pinned". This lead me to do some search and find some interesting information about the #word #quick.
#alive was the original meaning of "quick." The flesh under the nail is called quick because the nail, the hard part, is dead, but the flesh is "alive."
Some other words still in use today which carry the original meaning of quick include #quicklime, literally "living lime", #quicksand "living sand." "quicksilver", comes from the fact that mercury flows, as though it were alive.
"The quick and the dead" did not refer to gunslingers in the Old American West, but instead refers to "the living and the dead."
#Georgia #SchoolShooting: #Cops Showed The Kind Of #Restraint #Unarmed #Black #Suspects Rarely Receive.
Case and point: #ColtGray, a 14-year-old white student accused of #massmurder with an AR-15 at #ApalacheeHighSchool, was #arrested #alive and #unharmed. Despite killing four people, and wounding 8 others.
"Waiting for Tonight" is a song written by #MariaChristensen, Michael Garvin, and Phil Temple. It was originally recorded by Christensen's girl group #3rdParty for their debut studio album, #Alive (1997). Two years after the group disbanded, American singer #JenniferLopez recorded her own version of the song for her debut studio album, #OnThe6 (1999). #RicWake and Richie Jones produced Lopez's Hispanic #house version of "Waiting for Tonight".