PicoGUS - The $50 / €65 / £58 Sound Card That Only Does Everything
PicoGUS - The $50 / €65 / £58 Sound Card That Only Does Everything
Made an upbeat funky track with #radtracker
I didn't have a clear idea at the start so it was a challenge getting this to come together; it was good practice.
@polpo AWESOME!
@sabi I mean, you just use an 8bit ISA slot and just extend it a few centimeters so I guess abusing some 40-pin IDE io GPIO Cables and connectors should be fine...
The #PicoGUS by @polpo does emulate a #AdLib quite well AFAIK, so yeah that should work out fine with the #NuXT...
wanted to make a blog post about #adlib sound and how it was used by top artists, like JCH in "the alibi" cover (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGy1TKYy62I) but it is changing so fast/radically in that tune that pause/snapshot in browser wouldn't work
but notube.lol could give me the MP4 and #vlc can frame-step it to the point where I can see the new note coming so I think studying modulation will be fine.
Piano rendition of one of my old OPL2 FM compositions.
(Original Adlib version is included at the end.)
Another track for my fictional lost shareware:
The title screen for
I'm really proud of this one - so proud that I'm worried I'm accidentally plagiarizing something
I've been playing around with "Adlib Visual Composer" (v1.51) in DOSBox.
My current project is the soundtrack for a fictional "lost shareware" game about the adventures of a Possum Witch set 65 Million Years Ago:
These are all rough drafts and working titles - right now I'm just using the STANDARD.BNK for my sound fonts :)
The card that started it all. And by it I mean the retro soundcard revival. This one was reverse engineered by @tubetime and it still features the illegitimate AdLib logo. I assembled it myself and even drilled holes for the volume control and headphone jack.
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #adlib
Gosh, it's nice to have choices. (Real hardware)
#PCSpeaker #AdLib #SoundBlaster #OPL #RolandMT32 #MT32
Etiquette appears to include an #introduction. Hi. Hello. How do you do? I'm Hollis. I used to make freeware #DOS games. Then I got older. Now I wait to retire so I can... make freeware DOS games? Professional #webdev & #devsec. Healthy #horror appetite born of unsupervised access to 80s VHS rental. #NewEngland. Sometimes I take my #motorbike to find #cryptids at night, later #writing about it in #nanowrimo