Alex Pangman
Acoustic Mardi Gras tunes
Jazzy Saturday
#Haiku #Music #Video #Jazz #MardiGras #SaturdayNight #Canada #NOLA #Clarinet #Guitar #Banjo #YouTube #DIY #Artistry #Tango #Violin @BernardoKastrup
人至中年,中年危機的焦躁感漸遠,但中年轉職的念頭卻漸漸浮現 — 說穿了 ,是對生命重心和意義的重新審視,在年輕的狂飆衝勁和老年即將到來可預見的衰退之間,尋求探索和另一種可能性。
探戈音樂很棒,用生命的熱情燃起熱情。邀請了阿根廷當代新探戈重要的音樂家 Julian Peralta,樂團也是一時之選—班多鈕手風琴/鋼琴 Winnie Cheung、小提琴 Janice Lee、班多鈕手風琴 李承宗、低音提琴 陳弘之 和大提琴 張心維。
位於萬象大廈的雅痞書店,場地很棒、食物酒水也好吃,盡興的一晚。也學到布宜諾莉艾利斯當地特有的 Murga 音樂和舞蹈(萬象大廈一帶也很有趣,老式大面積的樓層和小舖,吃食與咖啡店多)。
最後結帳時,播的是 Buena Vista Social Club — 繼續閱讀、沉澱也整理自己,認識各種形狀的人,尋找人生感到實在的下一步。 #lige #tango
Tango in Blue
A couple dance tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina, accompanied by a live band. The drama, passion, movement, is expressed in the union of the two dancers with blue, moving as one, against a yellow streetlight from the window. I have many fond memories of tango.
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#LosEjecutivosTambiénTienenAlma ("Executives Have a Soul Too")
#AlfaRecords 1969
#Advertising #creative, #novelist, #poet, #playwright, and #musician.
Lost and mysterious gem, available for the first time on digital
Popeye & Bluto dance in Morning, Noon & Night Club (1937) ... No Ordinary Love
Thanks for the quick reply! I have been looking for an alternative to Facebook (who isn’t) for the global #tango communities.
#friendica ticks many boxes, but the lack of modern usability is a big risk factor. #bonfire looks like it could fill that gap perfectly.
Timeless. Genius. An album I never get tired of. #GotanProject #music #tango #latin #fusion
the wheels on the bus
will fall off again -
the holy dove will be
bought and sold again
there is a crack in everything
that's how the frauds get in -
let's wear hats,
play guitars
and bandoneons.
Lenny Cohen
#HashTagGames #Poetry #WordCollage #WordCollagePoem #Tango #Bandoneon
My friend Mari has her #tango #art calendars for sale: #calendar
Pope Francis' leadership style mirrors the Argentine #tango: balancing tradition and innovation, seeking unity through spontaneity and self-control.
#argentina #catholicism #religion
Giornata mondiale del #tango. Ottimo pretesto per riascoltare quest'artista che, finalmente dopo tanti anni, avrà la visibilità che merita al prossimo #festivaldisanremo ma che iniziò (con questo album) cantando non in italiano. E anche la musica non era molto Ariston. #JoanThiele – Tango (Full Album) - Invidious #music
On These Apps, the Dark Promise of Mothers Sexually Abusing Children - Smartphone apps downloaded from Apple and Google can allow parents and other abusers to c... - #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #heatinitiative(advocacygroup) #homelandsecuritydepartment #computersandtheinternet #childabuseandneglect #childpornography #tango(mobileapp) #southeastasia #unitedstates #philippines #sexcrimes #googleinc #appleinc
Tango in Blue
A couple dance tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina, accompanied by a live band. The drama, passion, movement, is expressed in the union of the two dancers with blue, moving as one, against a yellow streetlight from the window. I have many fond memories of tango.
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Galgos tango 11x14 acrylic on canvas
#greyhounds #dogsofmastodon #tango #art #dancing #galgo
¡Hola a todos! #RadioPitohue - #SonidosdelSur les presenta el nuevo #album de uno de las carreras musicales más largas en la historia del #Tango. ¡Diviértanse con las composiciones de Osvaldo Fresedo, el pibe de La Paternal!
#Argentina #Tango #Bandoneon #BuenosAires #EditionEstela #TesorosMusicales
Osvaldo Fresedo:"El pibe de La Paternal" y su Orquesta Típica - Nostalgias
'Chinzao' (台湾茶専門店 靑竈) does not have a menu. Rather the owner produces a selection of teas for each guest from the 100 or so Taiwanese varieties kept in stock.
The experience is designed to be a meditative one, and you should put aside at least 1 hour for teatime.
A squall arrived as tea was served...disappearing before the cup was even empty.
The Tango Peninsula is famed for its microclimate. 'Uranishi' (うらにし) is a sudden wind that blows across the waters from autumn to winter, bringing with it sudden changes in weather and heavy rain.