From 2010: #Navajo Commercial Farm Using #GeneticallyModified Seeds, Despite Global Protests
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, June 16, 2010
"While #IndigenousPeoples protest #Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds around the world, the Navajo Nation’s commercial farm, #NavajoAgriculturalProductsIndustries, continues to use these seeds for commercial crops.
"Haitian farmers are now burning donated Monsanto seeds. In India, thousands of farmers committed suicide after switching from traditional seeds to genetically modified seeds. In Chiapas, Mayan farmers have refused to use the seeds which damaged heritage seed stock. Cross pollination from genetically modified seeds can endanger crops from ancient seed stock in the region.
"#Navajos have long planted century-old corn using traditional #DryFarming. Navajos relied on the stars to know when to plant and sometimes planted in spirals, according to Navajo elders in Rock Point, Arizona.
"However today the Navajo commercial farm boasts on its website that it plants genetic #HybridCorn seed purchased from '#PioneerSeed Company, #Syngenta Inc., and Monsanto companies." The commercial farm, NAPI, is located on the Navajo Nation near Farmington, N.M., and grows commercial food crops, including corn for potato chips, along with potatoes, wheat and other crops.
"Around the world, #Monsanto and genetically modified seeds have meant death for Indigenous Peoples and their crops."
"The area of northwest #NewMexico has been known as a 'US Sacrifice Area,' since the 1970s. It is the Navajo people who
have been sacrificed, by way of the US government working in collusion with #corporations and the elected Navajo Nation government.
"While #NAPI continues to use genetically modified seeds on its commercial farm, NAPI also has a #RaytheonMissile manufacturing plant located on the commercial farm where the crops are grown, a fact many would like kept secret. The fact that the Raytheon Missile factory is located on the Navajo farm was censored by Indian Country Today in 2006. At that time, Cuba was expressing interest in purchasing food products from NAPI and Indian Country Today editors demanded
that no research be done on Raytheon's missile plant at the farm or any possible pollutants discharged from Raytheon."
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#CorporateColonialism #GMOs #BigAg
#EndCapitalism #Colonialism #Decolonize #TraditionalFoods
#Capitalism #CulturalGenocide