Attorney General Mark Dreyfus dropped 5 of the 8 dubious charges brought against the #ATO officer who exposed #misconduct within the #tax office.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus dropped 5 of the 8 dubious charges brought against the #ATO officer who exposed #misconduct within the #tax office.
Die Schallwaffe von Serbiens Machthaber wurde identifiziert
Aufnahmen auf #SocialMedia zeigen Schallkanonen auf den Geländewagen der Bereitschaftspolizei. Der Innenminister verstrickt sich in Widersprüche....
This Is the Greatest Threat to Free Speech Since the Red Scare
Opinion [re arrest of #MahmoudKhalil]
Michelle Goldberg
March 10, 2025
from #NewYorkTimes #NYT
[gift article - link can be shared. Expires in 30 days.]
[Bias alert - #NYT usually favors Israel]
"“This seems like one of the biggest threats, if not the biggest threats to First Amendment freedoms in 50 years,” said Brian Hauss, a senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union. “It’s a direct attempt to punish speech because of the viewpoint it espouses.”"
#ACLU #DefendAcademicFreedom
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #Trump
#media #news #press @palestine
"Die serbische Regierung hat mutmaßlich eine unbekannte nicht-tödliche Waffe gegen eine friedliche Großdemonstration eingesetzt und dabei eine Massenpanik ausgelöst.
Der Klang der eingesetzten Waffe ist auf den Videos nicht klar zuzuordnen. Menschen beschreiben ihn als angsteinflößend. Manche sagen, sie hätten einen hohen Ton gehört, andere ein nahendes Flugzeug oder einen Ton, den sie nicht einordnen konnten, es sei wie im Traum gewesen, wie ein Auto, das durch die Menge rast.'
#US #Repression
"Yale University places Helyeh Doutaghi on administrative leave after Jewish Onliner, a shady AI-run site, ran a smear campaign against her in what she describes as "Zionist McCarthyism""
"An anonymous article — AI-generated, unverified, riddled with conjecture — appeared online. It accused her of ties to a US-designated terrorist organisation. No evidence...Yale Law School placed her on immediate administrative leave"
Join us this Sunday for a public webinar and discussion hosted by the PSL Action Network featuring 2024 Socialist Presidential Candidate Claudia De la Cruz!
First they came for the Palestinian in attempts of stifling the pro-Palestine movement – but we refuse to back down!
Sunday, 3/16
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Columbia University has just expelled, suspended or revoked degrees of over a dozen students involved in the pro-Palestine student movement.
This blatant act of political repression and violation of free speech rights follows the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a leading student activist at Columbia.
Read more
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The incidents used to justify antisemitism-specific offences had nothing to do with antisemitism, but the offences are to remain in place.
Protesting genocide is not a crime!
Fight back against repression!
#ICE out of our communities!
#mahmoudkhalil #politicalPrisioners #gazasolidarityencampment #deportation #freepalestine #gazagenocide #meltICE #protest #solidarity #students #repression #donaldtrump #trumpRegime
#HandsOffOurStudents #ReleaseMahmoudKhalil
#sds #protest #mahmoudkhalil #deportation #DonalTrumpRegime
#Kkk #solidarity #freeSpeech #trumpism
The supposed antisemitic crimewave used to justify antisemitism-specific offences and millions in funding to Jewish causes was in #fact staged.
BREAKING: #MahmoudKhalil Speaks With Attorneys for First Time Since Detention
#Khalil will likely stay at notorious #ICE facility in Louisiana until at least March 17.
from #DropSiteNews
[you may get a request to sign up for free subscription]
Jason Paladino
Mar 13, 2025
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics #Trump #Rubio
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
Am 18.3. gehen wir zusammen auf die Straße um am Tag der politischen Gefangenen uns solidarisch zu zeigen mit allen Menschen die aufgrund ihres politischen Aktivismus im Knast sitzen.
18.3. 17 Uhr Kiel Dreiecksplatz
Unsere Solidarität gegen ihre Repression!
Den ganzen Aufruf findet ihr hier:
This #video has been taken down from Instagram but I think it needs to be seen by everyone here.
UK: Pro-Palestine students face expulsion for sharing Middle East Eye posts
The University of Essex is investigating six students affiliated to the Palestine Society after Prevent flagged their social media posts
from #MiddleEastEye #MEE
By Areeb Ullah
Published date: 12 March 2025 16:53 GMT
#media #news #press #UK #UKPolitics @palestine @israel
Prozessbericht zum zweiten Verhandlungstag von Maja in Budapest
"Vor dem Gericht hatten sich zwischen 50-100 teils uniformierte Neonazis versammelt und es wurde aus allen Ecken aggressiv gefilmt. Die angespannte Stimmung verstärkte sich als solidarische Menschen beim Eintreten aus nächster Nähe abgefilmt, beschimpft und sogar bespuckt wurden.
Nach einer angespannten Wartezeit wurde Maja um 9:20 Uhr in den Saal geführt. Maja trug erneut Fesseln an Händen und Füßen sowie eine Leine und wurde von zwei schwer bewaffneten, vermummten Polizisten begleitet. Die Verfahren von Ilaria, Anna und Maja wurden zusammengelegt, was zu Unstimmigkeiten zwischen dem Richter und der Verteidigung führte. Majas Anwalt machte darauf aufmerksam, dass nicht alle relevanten Dokumente ins Deutsche übersetzt worden seien, was eine angemessene Vorbereitung unmöglich machte. Der Richter entgegnete das die Verteidigung alle nötigen Unterlagen für den heutigen Tage erhalten habe, außerdem wird der Zeuge Zoltan Toth am heutigen Prozesstag nicht angehört da er schon bei einem Prozesstag von Ilaria angehört wurde....."
#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #university / #protest / #repression
„A federal judge has temporarily blocked the Trump administration's attempt to deport pro-Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil, who was arrested over the weekend by immigration agents.“
Columbia University Student Detained by Following Threats of Deportation of Pro-Palestinian Students
The arrest comes on the heels of the Department of State’s announcement that it plans to deport students affiliated with pro-Palestine protests. The student, who is Palestinian, is a lawful permanent resident of the United States.On March 8, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist and recent graduate student at Columbia University, at his place of residence, an apartment building owned by the university. The DHS agents said that the U.S. Department of State had revoked Khalil’s green card. At approximately 8:30 p.m. ET, Khalil and his wife, a U.S. citizen who is eight months pregnant, had just unlocked the door to their building when two plainclothes DHS agents forced their way in behind them. The agents initially refused to identify themselves, instead asking Khalil to confirm his identity before detaining him without explanation. The agents proceeded to threaten his wife, telling her that if she remained by his side, they would arrest her too. Later, the DHS agents stated that the U.S. Department of State had revoked Khalil’s student visa, despite the fact that he has a green card, not a visa, and is a lawful permanent resident.
An agent showed Khalil what he claimed was a warrant on his phone. Khalil’s wife went into their apartment to retrieve his green card while the agents remained with Khalil downstairs. When she returned, advising them of Khalil’s legal status and presenting them with Khalil’s green card, one agent was visibly confused and said on the phone, “He has a green card.”
However, after a moment, the DHS agents stated that the State Department had “revoked that too.” Khalil’s wife then phoned his attorney, who spoke with the agents in an attempt to intervene. When Khalil’s attorney requested that a copy of the warrant be emailed to her, the agent hung up the call. Khalil is currently being detained in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody at 26 Federal Plaza pending an appearance before an immigration judge.
This significant deviation from normal immigration proceedings comes in the wake of increased and abnormal scrutiny concerning the actions of students alleged to hold pro-Palestine views. Axios recently reported that the State Department, Department of Justice, and DHS were launching a “Catch and Revoke” effort to identify alleged pro-Palestinian activists based on artificial intelligence screening of social media. Khalil has been specifically and discriminatorily targeted by Columbia University for his Palestinian identity and outspoken activism on multiple occasions over the last 17 months. He served as a lead negotiator during the Gaza Solidarity Encampment last spring. He has frequently appeared in media interviews and press conferences. The university suspended him while he was on a student visa and reversed it within the same day.
Columbia University has published guidance on how best to collaborate with federal enforcement, including advising faculty and staff “not to interfere” with ICE agents even if those agents are unable to present a warrant. Over the last few days, there have been several reports of ICE agents approaching pedestrians and students in the neighborhood surrounding Columbia University’s Morningside campus, creating unsafe environments for students (particularly students of color), regardless of their immigration status. Columbia’s continued acquiescence to federal agencies and outside partisan institutions has made this situation possible. A Palestinian student and member of the community has been abducted and detained without the physical demonstration of a warrant or officially filed charges.
Like many other Arab and Muslim students, Khalil has been the target of various zionist harassment campaigns, fueled by doxxing websites like Canary Mission. This racist targeting serves to instill fear in pro-Palestine activists as well as a warning to others. An activist familiar with Khalil’s solidarity work said, “Mahmoud is foundational to our community. The state has escalated its repression of student opposition to the U.S.-backed genocide in Palestine, in which Columbia and all American universities are complicit.” Despite the chilling effect of this repression, the activist said that students “will keep fighting for Palestinian liberation and against state violence.” Today, activists in solidarity with Khalil launched a petition demanding his release from ICE custody.
The petition can be found at
#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #university / #protest / #repression
„Arrest of Palestinian activist stirs questions about protections for students and green card holders
The arrest of a Palestinian activist who helped organize campus protests of the war in Gaza has sparked questions about whether foreign students and green card holders are protected against being deported from the U.S.“