Been away for a bit, but I’ve been listening to the #EvolutionOfHorror podcast while I’m away. Their third series is about Folk Horror recorded 2018. The first episodes discussed Wickerman, Blood on Satan’s Claws, and Witchfinder General.
Some of their picks surprised me: BWP, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Elements of period, lore, belief, and community seem essential to me.
How do you define #FolkHorror?
@grryboy Thanks for the recommendation! Haven't heard of this show, to repurpose a joke format into a serious question, would I have to listen to Folk Pts 1-7 to enjoy Folk Pt 8 on #TexasChainsawMassacre? When I'm trying a new show I like to skip around with topics I'm already familiar with until I get a feel for the format.
@EdwardTheDuck No, it stands alone as a good discussion of the movie and it’s relation folk horror.
@grryboy Cool! Without having heard the show, to me #FolkHorror recalls a rumor, urban legend, campfire tale, or creepypasta passed within a community - a threat close enough that it could happen to you (my cousin said it happened to his friend when they were kids), and far enough that there's no way to verify what happened (which cousin? Which friend? Where/when was this?). It's the most ancient, simple horror story - don't go in the woods/outside the tribe. You might not make it back.