Looking for new #Nintendo
#Switch game recommendations.
I've played #Persona5 Royal and Strikers. I liked #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons when it first came out. #Eastward and #TheTouryst were cute games. But my favorite of all is #DragonQuest.
What should I play next?
@Heather You may want to look into #CultOfTheLamb. It's two games in one: a dungeon crawler where you level up weapons, spells, etc fending off old gods and a community building game where you make sure everyone's fed, happy and conduct kindly or unholy rituals. If you came up in the SNES era it gives me an #Actraiser vibe. If not, think of it as Animal Crossing's sinister cousin. I believe I read there was free DLC forthcoming as well and even a cartoon in development.
@EdwardTheDuck That sounds fun! Thanks!