HR isn't there for your benefit (No pun intended. Well maybe intended just a little bit.)
Don't be that person. I definitely try hard not to be.
Liked this piece exploring Kanban but laundry
By @jjcelery
We are working towards the sprint goal but are completely blocked.
Anyone has advice on how to deal with "product" demanding a very #waterfall delivery plan (3 months +) from a #Scrum team?
Revolutionizing Healthcare with Real-Time Monitoring and Frequency Therapy: A Personal Journey Through the TEHS Scrum Framework for Health and Performance: Twice the Energy with Half the Stress by Jeff Sutherland is the featured book on the Leanpub homepage! #Scrum #LifeCoaching #DietAndNutrition #PersonalScience #PersonalTransformation #books #ebooks
Find it on Leanpub!
I am available for hiring!
Senior Software Engineer / PSM
Kotlin / Java / Scrum
experienced with:
- agile software project management
- agile software development
- software design and architecture
- supporting and leading development teams
where? 100% remote or hybrid (in HH area)
when? from 1st of june 2025 on
8 member team, everyone's busy, today's stand-up took 6 minutes, everything's on track.
Scrum works when a) people do scrum and b) management is not constantly digging for efficiency metrics and meddling in the affairs of people doing the work.