@BassRck66 #ImageDescription is missing.
@RoterHahn #Bildbeschreibung fehrt!
#Plzfix durch hinzufügen von #Alternativtext.
@AnitaWorks9698 @correctiv_org PS: Da ist nen #Facebook - #Tracking-Link drin.
@selje #ImageDescription is missing. #plzfix by adding #AltText...
@skeptix_ev ihr habt leider keine #Bildbeschreibung angegeben.
#plzfix weil #NoAltTextNoBoost ist hier die Norm...
@KathyKahner #Bildbreschreibungen fehlen.
@shlee You fordit to add #AltText.
#plzfix and add an #ImageDescription
#PleaseBoost: IDK who at @archlinux maintains aur.archlinux.org
but your Server at #Hetzner got flagged at
(line 29.000) by @stratosphere and I'm pretty shure that means whoever admins it used it to #portscan half of the internet or spread #malware or some other nefarious stuff...
WarCrimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Murder
@fuck_cars_bot true, true...
Also #plzfix your #bot and add real #AltText / #ImageDescription!
@ohanamatsumae recieved, tho #ImageDescription is missing... #plzfix