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A core part of every Crypto scam is the story. Quite often it is an elaborate one. It all started with the Bitcoin story, but others, such as DOGE, have their own stories. Quite often people will defend these stories as being true. All the other Crypto currencies and NFTs are a scam, but not this one. Some will just point at high valuations as indicators that it is not a scam, but rather it is just indicators of rather successful scams.

Whatever the story is, the results are the same. The damage done is not small. The idea that Crypto now uses more energy than many countries, when we should be conserving energy, is crazy.

We all have a choice when it comes to Crypto. I decided years ago not to get involved. If I had gotten involved, I would have made a bundle, but I would have been part of the problem and I did not want to do that.

Lets stay away from any products and services that include Crypto. Lets not support this "industry" in any way.

#ByteFederal, a US #Bitcoin ATM operator, has revealed they were victim of a #databreach

The breach was discovered on Nov 18, 2024. The attacker gained access to one of their servers by exploiting a GitLab vulnerability. Upon discovery, Byte Federal took action to secure the compromised server. Sensitive personal info was stolen, including name, address, and SSN.
Affected users are advised to change their passwords and be vigilant of phishing



BleepingComputer · Bitcoin ATM firm Byte Federal hacked via GitLab flaw, 58K users exposedBy Bill Toulas

a pot of bitcoins bought with massive amounts of leveraged debt is now the 40th largest company in the #Nasdaq by market cap.

in other news #Dogecoin is "worth" more than Ford Motor Company.

i suspect future generations will look back and think "there were signs..."


#Hallo Ihr Lieben auf lsbt.me ,

Unsere #Instanz wächst und wächst. Kürzlich hatten wir unser zwei-jähriges Jubiläum. Wir haben aktuell 173 trötende #Rüssel hier auf unserer Instanz und das bedeutet, dass unsere Instanz mit eine der erfolgreichen Instanzen im #deutsch sprachigen Raum geworden ist.

Das bedeutet aber auch, dass der Instanz #Server einiges zu leisten hat. Er muss performant bleiben und er muss groß genug sein, um die ganzen #Tröts mit ihren #Medien wie #Bilder und #Videos zu speichern. Auch der #Backup-Server muss entsprechend dimensioniert sein. Das alles kostet viel #Geld im #Monat, das ich vollständig aus der eigenen #Tasche bezahle.

Wenn es Dir hier bei uns also gefällt und Du nicht möchtest, dass diese Instanz irgendwann in der Versenkung verschwindet, wie so viele andere kleine und große Instanzen auch, dann denke doch einmal drüber nach, ob Du mich dabei nicht ein kleines bisschen #unterstützen möchtest.

Spenden kannst du entweder per #Bitcoin, Paypal oder Banküberweisung. Alle Informationen dazu findest du unter #Spendenmöglichkeiten auf der "About" Seite dieser Instanz ganz unten: lsbt.me/about#spenden
Am meisten freue ich mich natürlich, wenn Du die Möglichkeit der regelmäßigen #Spende per #PayPal oder #Dauerauftrag nutzen würdest.

Vielen Dank und weiterhin ganz viel Spaß bei uns, wünscht Dir Eure #Admina

Mastodon, gehostet auf lsbt.meDeutscher LSBT Mastodon ServerDiese Mastodon-Instanz ist für alle* die LGBT+ oder Allies sind. Ein Safe Space für Dich! Betrieben von Christin Löhner, selbst trans Frau und Aktivistin für LSBT+ Rechte. #lsbt #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtiq

The chairman of #InteractiveBrokers (#IBKR) says in this interview on #Bloomberg ca. 10:00 that margins on bitcoin trading accounts are becoming increasingly large and unstable and he's "sort of scared of cryptos". Specifically he's concerned that a sudden 30% move in the price of bitcoin would bankrupt an incredible number of people, including a bunch of financial firms which could cause a ripple effect and take out some clearing houses.

Bear in mind that IBKR is on many metrics the largest electronic trading platform in the United States. You can trade stocks, bonds, options, etc. (and bitcoin). In other words this guy has seen the data and he found it Very Concerning.


Bloomberg · Thomas Peterffy Talks Trump, M&A, CryptocurrenciesInteractive Brokers Chair Thomas Peterffy discusses his expectations for a second Donald Trump administration, his firm’s growth prospects, and why he is “sort of scared of cryptos.” He speaks with Sonali Basak from a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. conference. (Source: Bloomberg)

#Bitcoin isn't anonymous, folks.

"To keep his Bitcoin gains from the IRS ... Ahlgren deployed a multi-layer strategy, combining cryptocurrency tools with classic methods of evasion. Each step was calculated to obscure his financial trail and, in so doing, reduce his taxable income."


Forbes · Bitcoin Investor Sentenced—Sophistication Does Not Equal InvisibilityBy Andrew Leahey

Fun fact - #Bitcoin mining in the self-proclaimed republic of #Abkhazia did not stop in spite of energy crisis where electricity is available for less than 5 hours per day.

The crisis is caused by low water levels in Abkhazia’s only hydro plant… and Bitcoin mining, which has increased its electricity usage by 50% since it was officially allowed.

Another fun fact is that that the direct cause of the crisis was #Russia ceasing to supply electricity to Abkhazia on a discount “humanitarian” tariff to punish it for refusal to allow selling land to Russians. Of course, Russians must have known about the Bitcoin mining industry so effectively Russian budget has for a few years subsidised the mining operations with its discounted energy prices 🤦


English Jamnews · "If cryptocurrency mining isn't stopped, Abkhazia will sink into darkness." OpinionInal Khashig: "Due to government negligence, it is 'stealing' 9 hours of daily electricity consumption." Mining leaves Abkhazia in darkness

It's encouraging that Microsoft shareholders just voted down a proposal to have the firm "invest" in #bitcoin a la #MicroStrategy etc. but what's really encouraging is the vote count:

* YES: 28 million (0.5%)
* NO: 5.1 billion (99.5%)

the bros who've been hyping the "microsoft is gonna buy all the bitcoinz!!" narrative for months will probably take this one kinda hard.



Vancouver council passes mayor's motion to make city 'bitcoin-friendly'
Vancouver councillors passed a motion from Mayor Ken Sim on Wednesday that seeks to make the city "bitcoin-friendly," giving staff the thumbs up to explore holding cryptocurrency in reserve and accepting payments in the virtual currency.
#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #city #Vancouver #News #Canada #BritishColumbia