We went out for a junk food #breakfast.
Got home to see that #Petstock had delivered another load of #lucerne bales in our absence.
It’s something like $25 a bale here now. The longer our drought goes on, the higher the lucerne prices go. It’s like a #livestock #feed stock market.
34° Celsius & I’m down.
I’ve been #hydrating all day, taking #electrolytes with some of my water, but I go outside, give the #alpacas & #lambs some lucerne, then water the #Roselle & #JerusalemArtichoke - the next minute liquids are #spewing (the operate word) out of my mouth & I lose all sense of balance.
Naked under the fan now, a bucket beside me if more liquid wants to rush up my throat.
Where’s our rain?! Mutter mutter #auspol #gardening
It’s been a pretty crappy day. All the fault of my legs again - those bastards!
The left leg totally gave out on me early this morning while I was delivering breakfast to my better half.
No pain - it just crumpled - as it did years ago before I was paralysed.
Later on I managed to get outside & hurl bricks of lucerne over the fence to the #alpacas & #lambs then collapsed into my yard chair. The better half went out back with their lupins & carrots.
I’ve pretty much slept the rest of the day.
Today I learned (because of a silly computer game I'm playing) that the juvenile alpaca is called a cria. Alpacas are pregnant for 11-ish months and nearly always are single births -- twin births are dangerous for the parent and babies.
Did #2024MMM celebrate 2024 as the #YearOfTheCamelids? @fao https://www.fao.org/camelids-2024/en #2025MMM #llama #camels #alpacas
The former goat pens I cleared with the Brushfucker 30000 yesterday. Left some of the more established trees standing until we can see what they are.
So we've got two fenced in pens and a stable (still needs mucking out) now. Hmmm!
No, we don't want goats. Not sure what yet. I'd like #Alpacas but they're pricey and hard to get.
Weather today was amazing by the way. But now winter is coming back for a while.
Alpacas by County
I know you needed to know this, even if you didn't know it.
Out back with the #alpacas again this afternoon.
I get the feeling I’m being watched…
flight or flight are natural responses, but there's a lesser-known third option: stand and stare
ps this weekend is National Alpaca Farm Days!
Alpacas are adorable creatures that make silly sounds and grow very fine fiber. They're the best.
If you have not had the joy of meeting an alpaca IRL, this is your chance, see if a farm near you is participating!