Sheridan likes to keep you company whilst you're watching TV - or basically any other time as well.
Groomers for the boy today. He always comes back looking so spiffy.
Some dogs want you out of bed in the morning. This guy just wants to keep you there.
What looks like Sheridan's cousin but is way more likely to rob you of your small change at knife point?
This guy.
Fortunately Sheridan gave him the eye so we had this standoff.
Sheridan's aunts birthday was today so we went to a local pub to celebrate.
This time of year the post work walk tends to resemble this. I need to find a new torch for him as he's constantly blinding me at this point.
It's always nice to visit Liquid Light ( on a Sunday. Drink some beer, play some games, eat food, sneak treats to the undertable dog...
Posted this last year but I reckon it's good for another Halloween
It's difficult to get interesting dog pictures at this time of the year. If it's miserable and grey outside then the picture tends to reflect that.
Still he's looking cute as ever.
Find someone who looks at you like Sheridan looks at... the snack item you're holding.