Fu attempts to brainstorm a way off the moon, and struggles with lack of beard, as they make their way through the Subterrane.
When Kiemiss and Leona play glamour dress-up, they go for trying on the Lunar armor! Still, her brother Xenoss is not impressed.
See on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/aywren/art/1170477210
And Cara: https://cara.app/post/b4699584-9f6f-4791-bd5b-e107b908f1de
Starring Aiden as the annoying little brother and Fu as the scolding big brother. All is right in the world.
Welcome to Chapter 90 - Close Encounters of the Lunar Kind! Have some cover art made to slightly imitate cheesy old #sci-fi movie posters!
The final page of Chapter 89! Wherein Simon gets what he was after, and Azure takes out the trash (literally).
See you in Ch 90 on Friday!
Yes, Simon is very good at "solving problems."
Archodys returns victorious! ...or does he?
Hey Fu... are you okay?
I knew that black hole rift was sus!
The Ya brothers emerge from the black hole rift to a place that's both strange and familiar.
Leona continues to ask the important questions like: "What's this fog for?" and "Who's that?"
I bet some Wayrift friends can take a guess at who this new individual might be...
Today, Bahamut gets fussed over and Leona asks the important questions. Take a breath because the next pages - up to the end of this chapter - are going to be... interesting!
The #Wayrift page-by-page archive updates for Book 3 are complete! Here's a blog post about this effort.
The cavalry has arrived... though a little late. As cavalries tend to be.
Welp. There goes the neighborhood - catch you later, Uncle Fu! (hopefully...)
Today, Zemi gets a crash course in fighting Arweinydd, and Archodys does a transformation of his own.