French engineer Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron, born OTD in 1799, was one of the founders of #thermodynamics #travel #France #history
French engineer Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron, who died OTD in 1864, was one of the founders of #thermodynamics #travel #France #history
@mekkaokereke I think you mean “Joy is *not* conserved.”
The same failure of ‘conservation laws’ in #physics , #chemistry and #thermodynamics applies to love!
“Chemical Eye on Love”
@kristiedegaris Was privileged to live in Killiecrankie for one summer in the 1980s and yes, the woods have a timeless quality I haven’t seen elsewhere. I got the sense that the whole ecosystem, especially in the glens and forests, is in no hurry.
William John Macquorn Rankine, who died OTD in 1872 in #Edinburgh, was a founding contributer to the science of #thermodynamics #travel
Just took a break from my pooter to heave my corpulent meatsack self to my ensuite to belatedly brush my teeth after brekkie. Stooped over my handbasin, doing the doings, i realised that parts of my face were being randomly splashed, so i returned my mind from zooming along the astral plane to consider what might be happening.
Realised that i'd forgotten to turn the cold tap fully off as i began brushing, that the combo of its consequent partial valve opening, the cooler than usual day, & the local water pressure today had combined to make the resultant waterflow's #ReynoldsNumber fully turbulent, not laminar. Furthermore, the ensuing randomness of its flow in this mode was such that often it was striking the basin drain grate grills rather than falling cleanly thru the gaps, & was rebounding aka splashing. Finally, my stoop was sufficient that my face happened to be in just the right range to intersect with this mild local splashing.
These contemplative revelations pleased me. It was a nice little low-key local demonstration that no matter the pomposity, arrogance, & suicidal determination of the ridiculous human species, the principles of #physics, #thermodynamics, #fluidmechanics, & #chaostheory will always prevail.
But i expect such thoughts regularly cross the minds of most peeps as they do their routine ablutions...
"I was asked to give a sweeping overview as to why the planet is in crisis."
Rachel Donald answers: via @annaf
Copper Bling Keeps Camera Chill - Every action camera these days seems prone to overheating and sudden shutdowns aft... - #digitalcamerashacks #thermodynamics #actioncamera #heatspreader #aluminum #heatsink #copper
French military scientist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who died OTD in 1832, is described as the "father of #thermodynamics" #travel #France #history
LOL, apparently this song is about heat pumps. #energy #energyefficiency #heatpumps #thermodynamics
@weatherwest Nice pic. If there was a God, and if he had wrath, this would be a manifestation
#physics #chemistry #thermodynamics
French military scientist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, born OTD in 1796, is described as the "father of #thermodynamics" #travel #France #history
"One of the principal objects of theoretical research is to find the point of view from which the subject appears in the greatest simplicity."
From Gibbs's letter accepting the Rumford Medal (1881). Quoted in A. L. Mackay, Dictionary of Scientific Quotations (London, 1994).
~Josiah Willard Gibbs (February 11 1839 – April 28 1903)
French engineer Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron, born OTD in 1799, was one of the founders of #thermodynamics #travel #France #history
I had my Thermodynamics II students make Thermo-themed Valentines and they turned out better than I possibly could have imagined!
French engineer Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron, who died OTD in 1864, was one of the founders of #thermodynamics #travel #France #history