It was even incorporated into a dream last night where I was using it to comfort 2 small children with their anxiety. Not sure who they were since there are no small children in my life. Perhaps the girl was my younger self? We thanked anxiety for alerting us to danger + gave evidence we were safe.
Yesterday was an emotionally exhausting day but I listened to my body + rested. Today is meal prep.
I spoke with someone Friday evening about her trauma coping skills and have been using one of her tips to thank my anxiety. She said it seems counterintuitive but works. She said anxiety just wants you to pay attention and make sure you’re safe.
I’ve been thanking my anxiety for alerting me to danger and giving it evidence that I’m safe and it has worked the past 2 nights.
Today feels like a good day to latibulate.
I spoke with someone last night about her trauma coping strategies. I woke up with a headache and puffy eyes from all the crying yesterday.
Today I will give myself compassion and loving kindness.
My trauma is apparently about more than being harmed/hurt.
My logical brain thought it had figured out the panic attack triggers. But it appears there are more triggers than I thought.
Today I went into my eye doctor’s office to make an appointment. I had a panic attack telling them I’ve been having panic attacks in medical settings.
They were understanding and suggested Tuesday evenings as the least busy time so I booked an appointment 2 months out on a Tuesday evening after work.
Trauma has really messed up my life. I really hope I’m able to work my way through this.
2025-2-10 Fight Flight Freeze Fawn Acute Stress Response
Back to the womb I go.
You’re safe
It’s over
You’re safe
It’s over
You’re safe
It’s over
Today has been a multiple panic attack day
Trying to be gentle with myself
I’ve been dealing with daily panic attacks because of PTSD.
I arrived an hour early for a dental appointment since they needed to give me Ativan.
Waiting for the Ativan to kick in so I can give zero fucks.
When I shared with my boss that I’m struggling with my mental health, he was honestly surprised. He said I’m like a ray of sunshine when I’m in the office. I commented that’s because he hasn’t seen me cry.
#fedealvarez #film #cinema #movies #scifi #ataquedepanico #panicattack #shortfilm #alienromulus #evildead #alien
The film that kick started a phenomenal career. Fede Alvarez allegedly created this YouTube masterpiece on a $300 budget, and was awarded multi-million dollar contracts on the strength of it. He’s since gone on to produce “Alien Romulus” and “Evil Dead.”
If you haven’t seen this, make sure you do. It’s seriously bloody clever!
posting this for no reason in particular
ice pack on the chest/neck works best for me when I'm spiraling/panicking. it reduces the physiological symptoms (lowers the heart rate, slows breathing), and gives me a sensory stimulus to focus on.
these techniques won't take you back to baseline, but they can be the difference between a meltdown/crisis and regaining the ability to think, remember other coping skills, and safely make it to the next moment.
this image is from "The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills" by Sonny Jane Wise. a pdf of the full book is available in the link below. there's a whole section on distress tolerance.
JUDAS PRIEST Shares 'Panic Attack' Performance Video From 'Invincible Shield' Tour
Good afternoon from #Pasadena. Rough day. Started with an #Afib episode at 3am & went on for over 5 hours. Trouble breathing. If this ever happens to you, don't rule out heart issues and side with #PanicAttack. I went on 15 years with Afib due to this kind of thinking supported by awful doctors.
Very unusual to have afib again as I had an ablation years ago and it generally only triggers after major sugery, but I think it was triggered by a combination of lack of sleep and stress from very abusive staff people at my new dermatologist (over the phone,; I have not yet been there) which sent my heart racing briefly (see chart). I'm using #MakeVisible aka #Visible heart monitoring and pace-setting atm and it's been so #HELPFUL!!!
Considered canceling, but must go. So this will be when I start taking #MosesTheServiceDog to med appts to avoid meltdown if abusive in person as well. So he's getting a good brush and grooming & we're going together, as a team.
Amazing how abusive some doctors' offices are. Hadn't had such an experience since visting a bad neurologist who started w a big sigh, looked at my chart for first time, zeroed in on Rx list & said it was no wonder I felt tired, that I was a walking chemistry experiment…
Hoping your day is going better than mine though mine has improved tremendously!!
Thank you everyone who answered my Anxiety/Panic Attack Post.
I learned about physiology and Anxiety and ways to decrease adrenaline. Y'all are the best.
Here's what I did:
Had a hot chocolate.
Stripped then made the bed. Flooded the room with sunlight and did some meditative breathing while being watched over by favourite Plush toys
Then I shuffled and sorted an oversized tarot deck while listening to a podcast
Thank you everyone
Anyone got any tips on how to recalibrate one's brain after a particularly nasty Anxiety Dream ?
[Kinda like having an PanicAttack but in a dream?]
Edit: Feeling much better thanks to all your tips - this outlined what I actually did:
But next time immediately upon waking I'll be playing Tetris !
Watch 4K Video Of JUDAS PRIEST's Kraków Concert During 2024 'Metal Masters' Tour
MIKE PORTNOY Performs DREAM THEATER's "Panic Attack" For Drumeo (Video)