My personal context coming to this film was as a child of a Hanford engineer where every other business had "Atomic" in the name (some still do), where the high school mascot is, to this day, a mushroom cloud, and most people here see nothing wrong with that. I worked at Hanford, too, and once visited the core of the 300 Area, so Los Alamos felt very real to me.
Oppenheimer's moral confusion and emotional journey felt visceral and mirrored my own processing of these events. From "They had it coming" to "OMG what did we do and how could we have justified that??"
The issue is certainly nuanced and complex, and I feel the film properly explored the subject, tho its subtlety at times might have been lost on this who needed to understand it most.
I don't tend to rewatch movies but this one warrants a second viewing just to figure out all the rapid-fire dialog. It captured the spy v. spy paranoia that few post-Cold War espionage films have been able to convey.
#Movies2023 #review