On #MickeySpillane's birthday, virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/tribeca-financial-district.html?s=mb #literature

On #MickeySpillane's birthday, virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/tribeca-financial-district.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! Virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! See where he set some Mike Hammer stories in #NewYorkCity: https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
Had it not been for the Production Code I, the Jury (1953) would have been the best-ever Mickey Spillane film adaptation. It's still pretty good - Peggie Castle sizzles, John Alton’s cinematography is superb. See it.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2024/06/i-jury-1953.html
Mickey Spillane was definitely in the groove when he wrote the fifth Mike Hammer book The Big Kill in 1951. As so often it’s Hammer’s sensitive side that drives him on - it drives him even when he’s blowing away hoodlums with his .45.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2020/03/mickey-spillanes-big-kill.html
#vintagethrillers #vintagethriller #vintagemystery #vintagemysteries #noir #noirfiction #crimefiction #hardboiledcrime hardboiledfiction #hardboiled #pulpfiction #MickeySpillane #MikeHammer
On #MickeySpillane's birthday, virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/tribeca-financial-district.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! Virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! See where he set some Mike Hammer stories in #NewYorkCity: https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
#Noirvember Watched “Kiss Me Deadly” (1955), a #FilmNoir movie with a heaping helpful of Cold War paranoia. Directed by #RobertAldrich, and starring #RalphMeeker as Mike Hammer, a brazen private dick who becomes embroiled in a bizarre mystery after picking up #ClorisLeachman (!) as Christina Bailey, a woman on the run from a shadowy cabal. Based on a novel by #MickeySpillane. https://archive.org/details/kissmedeadly1955_202001
Bloody Sunrise from 1965, second of Mickey Spillane’s Tiger Mann spy novels. Tiger works for a private spy agency. He doesn't have to play by the rules. This tale involves a defector and a woman who isn't who she appears to be. Good stuff.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/09/mickey-spillanes-bloody-sunrise.html
Mickey Spillane’s 1964 novel The Snake is a sequel to The Girl Hunters and you absolutely must read The Girl Hunters first. This is a very different Mike Hammer - older, wiser and sadder. Both books are great, but read the earlier books first.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/06/mickey-spillanes-snake.html
Mickey Spillane’s 1967 spy thriller The Delta Factor. A thief is forced to do a job for the government, breaking a scientist out of an impregnable 17th century fortress. He also wants revenge. Fun, and more lighthearted than his Hammer books.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/04/mickey-spillanes-delta-factor.html
On #MickeySpillane's birthday, virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/tribeca-financial-district.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! Virtually #travel to #NewYorkCity and some Mike Hammer settings https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
Today is #MickeySpillane's birthday! See where he set some Mike Hammer stories in #NewYorkCity: https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-fictional-architecture/upper-west-side.html?s=mb #literature
I can't believe I missed this going up. But...here is my enormous double #sestina culled from the writings of #JordanPeterson and other manly writers. #NickBostrom! #MickeySpillane! #MarquisdeSade! Learn how to be a #man! https://synchchaos.com/poetry-from-noah-berlatsky/
Tonight in 1984 — #MikeHammer debuted as a weekly series on CBS.
#StacyKeach played #MickeySpillane’s iconic private eye, first introduced in the 1947 novel "I, the Jury.”
Time To Prey, an enjoyable 1960 entry in Frank Kane’s long-running Johnny Liddell PI thriller series. A pretty girl passes a letter to Johnny and then gets murdered.
Johnny Liddell is a Mike Hammer clone, but more cold-blooded and less ethical. But Kane is just not in Spillane's league as a writer.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/01/frank-kanes-time-to-prey.html