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At times both funny and sad, this picture is like anything which is successful in the creative arts: true to life.

While it is poking fun at the pretensions of actors and directors, it is also poking ourselves in the shoulder to point out that there, too are we.

Even this paragraph is pretentious.

Sometimes art doesn’t represent some thing; sometimes the art itself is the thing.

[:: _does a quick spin_ ::]

Or it’s not.

Highly recommended.


Simultaneously engaging and stimulating, this examination of how philosophy is not just important to living, but necessary, is probably the best intellectual and practical entrée to the topic ever produced. Philosophy should not be ‘noble’ or ‘high brow,’ nor only for elites; all can find value in it. To be alive, but also to ask ‘why will I…?’ or ‘should I…?’ are inseparable for anyone with a brain.

Very highly recommended.


I’ve seen this before, but — like the earlier film from the same team about philosophy — one can never fully understand the content with only one viewing.

One of my difficulties with Slavoj Žižek is that his approach to explanations of complex concepts often requires more context and understanding about the subject than time permits provision of. This is, obviously, my shortcoming, and not his.

None the less: highly recommended.


Trying to #detox my entire life! Have decided to dump #netflix and have found something called #kanopy that I can access through my library. I am leaving #spotify and so have spent the entire day sorting and digitising my ancient #cd collection. So #fedup with #renting and #streaming we are just #cashcows for #corporations. I have not used #amazon for years. I will be deleting #facebook and #instagram in the #newyear. I am part of a #communitysupportedfarm I have joined a #foodcoop.

Another #DoubleFeature of both a film and a #Documentary about it.

How I haven’t seen the film is beyond me. It has many actors I love, all doing great work, with excellent dialogue, and lovingly spoofing a genre I adore. Bliss! Everything is so well done.

The documentary is also good, with some wonderful insights into the development of the film’s creation. Clearly a labour of love for the documentarian and the fans, and worth your time.

★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆

Hollywood has long hidden homosexuality beneath the thinnest of veils. Occasionally, that veil was lifted, but only under the strictest of conditions. Things have changed… or have they? The ‘Deadpool’ franchise makes use of the flirtatious gay male comedic troupe just as much as the Hope/Crosby “Road” pictures did, albeit more coarse in vocabulary.

I would have preferred more past/present comparisons for illustrations.

Still, pretty good!


Yes, #Kanopy is kind of great. It's free-ish (my #library for instance doesn't have it, so I have to pay for a non-resident card elsewhere), but the UI of their #AppleTV app is not good. No skip ahead / fast forward. To rewind, you have to pause the video, then you can go back 10 seconds at a time. Apple TV's remote is better than that with built-in forward/back buttons that work with most services/apps. Those are the main issues, but there are other things that I've come across as well.


Motion pictures are our dreams, suggests Slavoj Žižek, which we turn to when we can no longer cope with reality and must escape our own situations. At the end of any film we stop our viewing of this nightmare so that we can return to reality, which is comparatively superior for its lack of terror, drama, and so on.

Cinema also teaches us what we want, and how to want it. How does it do that?

Highly recommended and fascinating viewing.


The so-called ‘popular philosopher’ Slavoj Žižek has made a name for himself by using Hollywood films to illustrate Lacanian Philosophical principles, and I have very much enjoyed movies where he presents them.

Here, we follow him around Slovenia, Buenos Aires, and several events in the United States where he further defends his arguments, as well as learn how he hates fame.

This makes me want to re-watch his films.



Remember when NAZIs were automatically the Bad Guy, and not someone running for Elected Office?

While at times heavy-handed with Important Lessons and Patriotism, the story — written by the director and a ‘Bert Brecht’ — is a solid one about loyalty to a just cause.

It’s well-made and the occasional bad performance by a bit player can be forgiven because they’re quick. There’s some Very Dramatic Direction, but it’s over quick too.



I started this evening with the 102-year-old classic I have a copy of, then realized I wasn’t in the mood for it despite its brilliance.

So, I turned to the Clement/Waititi masterpiece to slake my need for silliness.

I regret neither decision.

Watch them. Watch them now!

★★★★★ for both