I am looking for high holy day services that will be offered virtually. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!
I am looking for high holy day services that will be offered virtually. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!
Hooray, apple spice seltzer is finally here! I don't care if it means I'm basic, I look forward to apple spice #season all year long.
#Holidays #TheHolidays #TheHolidaySeason #HolidaySeason #MostWonderfulTime #RH #RoshHashanah #RoshHashana #HighHolyDays #HighHolidays
I’m teaching spiritual prep for the high holy days starting tomorrow morning. Join us!
The Journey Home: Soul Work for the High Holy Days
in This Turbulent Year
Sundays from 10:00 – 11:15 am PT
Amidst our sadness, Elul begins tonight. Pick up your copy of this year's Elul (Teshuvah) workbook.
A question for every day of the month, a theme for each week.
Prepare yourself spiritually for the High Holy Days. #Elul #Judaism #HighHolyDays
Good News - our annual fundraiser calendar is now available for ordering.
This year we went with a bloom-scrolling theme! The calendar covers all of 5785 from Oct 2024 as well as the first three months of 5786, ending with December of 2025.
All proceeds benefit the nonprofit.
Thank you so much for your support!
Are you looking for a way to refocus before the High Holy Days begin? The Journey Home: Soul Work for the High Holy Days in This Turbulent Year is a 3-session course that will help you experience the season as a spiritual journey from brokenness to wholeness with other spiritual seekers. It is taught from a Jewish spiritual perspective, but you don't have to be Jewishly knowledgeable. These sessions are created to be supportive and community-building. Join us! #jewish #HighHolyDays #elul
A perfect #poem by Joseph Fasano for #roshhashana from James Crews wonderful new book “wonder of small things.” #poetry #highholydays
Tonight, as you walk out
into the stars, or the forest, or the city, look up
as you must have looked before love came, before love went, before ash was ash.
Look at them: the city's mists, the winters.
And the moon's glass you must have held once in the beginning.
That new moon
you must have touched once in the waters, saying change me, change me, change me. All I want is to be more of what I am.
Bo helping me with high holy day preparation. There will be lots of beautiful poetry. Come join us for Rosh Hashanah! Link in my Linktree in bio. #highholidays #highholydays #roshhashana #poetry
2/ SO - this year, we will gather together in community to revisit some of the profound themes of these holy days - such as what is being birthed within us on the day of the world's birth, and what forgiveness really means in the context of Judaism. (It is quite different than how our dominant culture imagines forgiveness.)
Each teaching will involve contemplative and soulful text study and poetry that speaks to our themes, as well as discussion and music.
We will be joined by my dear colleague, Cantor Fran Chalin, and for Kol Nidre, cellists Mary Artmann and Monica Scott. (We will be streaming live from our living room on Kol Nidre!)
I hope you will consider joining us. See all the details at the link below. Everyone is welcome. #HighHolyDays #Mazeldon #judaism #roshhashanah
Rabbi Jill
1/This year, we are doing something different for our High Holy Day Gatherings online.
We are calling it High Holy Days ReImagined.
It's been a really rough bunch of years. My sense is that many of us are exhausted, looking for comfort, and that less is more.
To be honest, I'm feeling the same way, which is why I meditated on what form of gathering for the High Holy Days felt right this year.
The insight that kept coming to me was: simply do what you love, do it simply without the traps of expectations, and speak to the heart. (Cont’d) #HighHolyDays #Mazeldon #judaism #roshhashanah