Nous partîmes nombreux·ses du reseau fasciste MÉTA, en route vers le fédiverse afin de refaire le monde virtuel. Malheureusement, une bonne partie de nos camarades ont vraisemblablement péri en cours de route car iels ont complètement disparu. Une pensée émue SVP pour nos camarades mort·es pour le fédiverse.
#fédiverse #méta #transhumance #heros #pensees
The modern politician is less interested in being a hero than a superstar. Heroes walk alone; stars derive their status from approbation. Heroes are defined by inner values, stars by consensus. When a candidate's views are forged in focus groups and ratified by television anchorpersons, insecurity and superficiality become congenital. Radicalism replaces liberalism, and populism masquerades as conservatism.
-- Henry Kissinger
#Wisdom #Quotes #HenryKissinger #Heros #Politics #Populism
#Photography #Panorama #ChacoCanyon #PuebloBonito #Ruins #360panorama #NewMexico
New single - 'Olympos' from me, Lagrange Point 6.
#Olympus is a track from the forthcoming album '#Heros' in which each of the tracks represents aspects of the great stories of the heroes and gods of ancient #Greek mythology. Here, mighty Olympos is the mythical 'City Of The Gods', atop #MountOlympus, wherein the great characters of antiquity sport and love and war.
I'm reading The Shadow of Perseus by Claire Heywood (mentioned in our #Andromeda episodes: & it made me so mad, I just moved our Perseus episode down on the scheduled list (we were supposed to do it after we finish Orion, but I can't even look at Perseus rn)