The awesome thing about American politics is that genocidal imperialism, settler-colonialism, and capitalist extraction at bayonet point are so inherently bipartisan that each successive American regime, regardless of stated ideological positions, will continue the malevolent policies, murders, and crimes against humanity of the prior regime without it so much as inspiring questions or commentary from our (clearly) pro-genocide media/commentariat. Oh wait, no that's not awesome, it sucks ass.
To the surprise of precisely no one, and very little fanfare, it took the Trump administration about five weeks to greenlight Israel's continued genocide in Gaza via crimes against humanity (in this case, intentional starvation.) I guess it's hard to build luxury condos in Gaza if any Palestinians are alive to object.
Trump Admin Bypasses Congress to Send Israel $4B as It Blocks Aid Into Gaza
"The blockade, which began on Sunday, deprives Palestinians of basic needs like food, water and medicine, plunging the Gaza Strip back into some of the worst days of the genocide. This is after Israel had indeed increased the amount of aid entering Gaza amid the first phase of the captive swap deal, but still had not fulfilled all of its obligations to allow in supplies like shelter.
Human rights groups have condemned the blockade, saying that it amounts to collective punishment and a deadly continuation of Israel’s genocide.
“Israel is once again blocking an entire population from receiving aid, using it as a bargaining chip. This is unacceptable, outrageous, and will have devastating consequences,” said Médecins Sans Frontières’s emergency coordinator Caroline Seguin.
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Phillippe Lazzarini suggested that Israel was using basic needs as “weapons of war” and that the blockade “threatens the lives of civilians exhausted by 16 months of brutal war.” The use of starvation and the withholding of aid as a weapon of war have been cited by human rights experts as acts of genocide by Israeli authorities."
As the article notes, the $4B that little maggot Rubio just approved is only part of a larger 12B the Trump administration is sending Israel, and the White House has publicly backed Israel's renewed efforts to starve women and children to death, citing some presumably made up shit about "HAMAS" - despite the fact that these are crimes against humanity and thus cannot be justified or legally authorized no matter what excuse Downmarket Mussolini wants to offer for doing so. The more things change, the more they stay the same I guess.
Predictably, this aid package and Trump's support for again, a genocide we're arming, funding, and ideologically supporting on the world stage, has generated mostly subdued commentary from an American for-profit media complex that liked that genocide a lot when Joe Biden was the one approving weapons shipments and foreign aid Israel doesn't need; their primary focus appears to be contrasting Trump's financial support for Netanyahu with the administration's decision to cut off all military aid to Ukraine - which does indeed raise some questions that are probably already answered by Downmarket Mussolini's craven bootlicking towards Putin and his administration's open charm policy shift towards Russia. As important as that discussion is however, you'd think in any sort of responsible media environment we might see at least SOME significant sort of outrage over the fact that the US government is once again helping Israel conduct a genocide, but I suppose I'm the greater fool for thinking bombing hospitals and starving babies rates as a news item compared to how rude that shitbird Trump was to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on live TV. I guess that kind of callous disregard for innocent human lives and full-throated amour for US imperial predation in our media, doesn't change much from election to election either.