We had a great time at Cleveland ConCoction last weekend! Keep watch for more coverage soon!
We had a great time at Cleveland ConCoction last weekend! Keep watch for more coverage soon!
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." --Miyamoto Shigeru
It's MAR10 so Happy MARIO Day! We took this #MondayMotivation quote by the creator of "Super Mario Bros" himself to heart this past weekend at Cleveland ConCoction when we decided to not rush our commedia dell'arte pastorale parody of the game and instead do the best stage reading we could of "The Mushrooms of Arcadia"!
TONIGHT at 5:00pm! You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle!
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction TONIGHT at 5:00pm! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle!
See more at http://www.ClevelandConCoction.org/
While we're away at Cleveland ConCoction getting ready to do a stage reading of a new commedia dell'arte pastorale with magical creatures, fearsome sorcerers, and enchanted mushrooms, the kitties back home at the Patchwork Palace hope you have a most fantastical #Caturday!
TOMORORW at 5:00pm! You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle!
TOMORORW at 5:00pm! You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle!
The first of the Greenies have arrived at the Bertram Inn for Cleveland ConCoction! Join us this weekend!
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! This weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! This weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
When we learned that performance (as well as class and workshop) submissions were open for Pennsic this summer we quickly signed up to once again stage majestic commedia dell'arte at the Performing Arts Tent over the middle weekend and at the Amphitheatre both Peace Week and War Week!
After Cleveland ConCoction this weekend we'll be making serious plans for our appearances at Pennsic so follow up and check back soon!
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! This weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
Several years ago at Cleveland ConCoction, alien anthropology researchers B'Lazzo the Phlop'Globblen and Bob tried to understand the strange economic transactional customs of Mardi Gras on Earth, alarmed at the dangers represented by the cheap plastic beads seeming to lower the intelligence of the typical human male specimen!
Happy Carnevale, today!
And this weekend we return to Cleveland ConCoction for more on-stage fun!
Happy Carnevale!
Carnival has intersection with commedia dell'arte and also with the foundation of our troupe. Three years ago we staged "The Horrible and Terrifying Deeds and Words of Niphleseth, Queen of the Wild Island of Chitterlingonian Sausages" inspired by the 16th Century satirical novels by François Rabelais. In our play, Dottore Gratiano, Capitano Testosteroné, and Arlecchino hope the spirit of Carnevale season will save them when faced against a supposed army of sausage warriors!
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! This weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
When March is said to come in like a lion and we have another fantasy commedia dell'arte pastoral with fearsome beasts and frightening enchanters this upcoming weekend at Cleveland ConCoction, here's a topical #MondayMotivation!
"I remember in the circus learning that the clown was the prince, the high prince. I always thought that the high prince was the lion or the magician, but the clown is the most important." --Roberto Benigni
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! Next weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! Next weekend March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
You should JUMP at the chance to watch a staged reading of our SUPER parody "The Mushrooms of Arcadia" at Cleveland ConCoction! A commedia dell'arte pastorale of twin BROS, magical pipes, sinister fungus, and nymphs trapped in another castle! March 7 - 9 at the Bertram Inn & Conference Center in Aurora, OH.
In all the focus on Commedia Day, we forgot to mention that this month marks the TWENTIETH anniversary of the first commedia dell'arte performance by our Artistic Director and Capopcomico Jess Rudolph while a student at Case Western Reserve University! That foundational show (for La Dolce Vita's Carnevale) helped pave the way for the formation of The Confused Greenies of Players' Patchwork Theatre Company a little over a year later!
Speaking of Carnevale at CWRU, it returns tomorrow night!