Bringing this thread of #BornToKill posters and such ( back for the #NoirAlley morning encore crowd
Bringing this thread of #BornToKill posters and such ( back for the #NoirAlley morning encore crowd
And it ends with the most noir crime of them all: littering
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill
Mrs. Kraft: Great at making Mac & Cheese, even better at headbutting
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill
being killed… is… painful….
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill
And our #NoirAlley leading ladies this week are Claire Trevor, Audrey Long and Isabel Jewell
#TCMParty #BornToKill #ClareTrevor #AudreyLong #IsabelJewell #DarknessAtNoon #FilmNoir
This week’s #NoirAlley leading men are Lawrence Tierney, Walter Slezak, Phillip Terry and Elisha Cook Jr.
#TCMParty #BornToKill #LawrenceTierney #WalterSlezak #PhillipTerry #ElishCookJr #DarknessAtNoon #FilmNoir
Lawrence Tierney is kinda like George Raft: a #FilmNoir guy that’s the real deal in a way that is palpably unsettling but unlike George Raft he’s not charming or handsome enough for you to momentarily forget it
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill #DarknessAtNoon
Hey gang!
This one’s the real thing.
Nobody can say #BornToKill isn’t noir.
I love her weird tulle/cloud hat thing
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill
Here for “Born to Kill”
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #BornToKill #DarknessAtNoon #FilmNoir
Remembering Lawrence James Tierney (1919-2002), the American film, stage and television actor, born in Brooklyn #OnThisDay. An imposing tough guy across six decades of screen roles, he was a memorable #Dillinger for Monogram (1945), the hitchhiking sociopath in #TheDevilThumbsARide and the murderous Sam Wilde in Robert Wise's #BornToKill (both 1947). Latterly cast as grizzled authority figures and supporting heavies in horror films and the mob boss in Reservoir Dogs (1992).