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Check out our #GAMAExpo re-cap episode on YouTube!
Stories from GAMA Expo & Hot New Board Games from GAMA, Tabletop Bellhop Gaming Podcast Episode 267 New video is on YouTube. This week I show how to repair broken minis, saving you from having to throw your beautiful paint work in the bin.
Tiny Epic Quest
My first Tiny Epic game. Amazing amount of game crammed into a little box. Impressive production vaues with art *inside* the box and reference info on the sides of the box.
The gimmicky little items you craft onto your plastic meeples are cute, but the rest of the game was fairly standard.
On Geek Grotto today, I discuss the winners of the GDC & IDF games awards, Black Mirror, Helldivers 2: The Board Game & spotlight Mr Justice in #ObscureCharacterCorner!
2pm every Saturday on SHMUFM: DAB & 99.8FM in Aberdeen, online at or via your smart speaker. #Radio #VideoGames #SciFi #Comics #BoardGames #Aberdeen
I love weird ranked lists, whether it's the BAFTA list of the "most iconic video game characters of all time" ( that had Sackboy 5 ahead of Pikachu and Pac-Man, and the guy from RDR2 and 2 characters from the just released Baldur's Gate 3 on it, or the IGN list ( that was heavily Nintendo at the top and had FF7 at 97 and it was clear that the people making the list didn't really play sports games or JRPGs because there were so few
So the #QuestionOfTheDay is what's a memorable weird/terrible top X list (from any topic) that you remember and want to share? What's weird/terrible about the choices?
I know how all the pieces move, but that doesnt mean I really know how to play. Maybe a smarter board can help train me?
GoChess Mini Review is live!
Mail day today, I’m looking forward to seeing how this game plays in Solo-mode! #TheNightCage #Boardgames
A Gentle Rain Solo-plays from stream earlier. Scores of 8, 7, and 12. #AGentleRain #Boardgames
: Curious Cargo
Among the most challenging 2-player #boardgames currently in the collection, Curious Cargo certainly stands out.
I will soon publish a review of this game published by Capstone Games in 2020.
Stay Tuned
Full review on Instagram
One of the #BoardGames we checked out from the library was the 2-player #game #SpiritsOfTheWild
I played it with my 12 yo for the first time tonight and he won by 2 points!
You use action cards to take stones from a community bowl and place them on your board. Each section of your board has different color requirements to get points. There is also a card that can be played to take the trickster coyote statue and put it on opponent board to block that section. Pretty fun game.
So pleased that I got to play Sechs Nimmt / Take 5 with my kid and her friends.
Well funded crowd sourcing for a game based on Ukrainian folklore.
ARIDNYK: A Mythical Journey of Folklore Legends
"Aridnyk is a captivating tile placement board game based on a namesake comic book from UA Comix. Take on a role of a highlander, explore the majestic mountains, face exciting challenges and seek help from mighty Spirits."
Site update: posted a draft of the rules to Graph Zendo, the version you can play on a whiteboard. GNU Kory Heath.
Last night we were over at the Leiden University board game society demoing the Acrux star board game.
This is the latest near final prototype with the box and folding board.
The rules are solidifying now but the students suggested one interesting variation we are going to try out.
#VCSBG Tuesday night #boardgames and #craftbeer at Pedals & Pints in #thousandoaks
A very wide range of games were played last night. From the quick & simple card games such as No Thanks and Llama; involved euro games such as Aeterna, Lost Ruins of Arnak, and Rock Hard 77; and with a detour into historical consims with Leuthen 1757. Mark had a great night with 5 wins in 6 games. I only won one game but I had a fun time and that's what counts.
Life is better when you're laughing