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In 1841 Beer and Mädler published a map of the whole planet after the north pole became visible later in the 1830s (it all depends which pole is tilted towards us when Mars is closest to Earth). They stuck with polar projections which led them into a clumsy mistake. I'm just glad I'm not the only one - you can't be out there as much as I am without making public mistakes. Look at the longitude of feature 'f' (= Syrtis Major) in the two hemispheres. One (north) is wrong. #maps #Mars #Beer #Mädler

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The next stop on our history of Mars mapping is the German astronomers Beer and Mädler. Working in the 1830s and 40s, they took Mars maps a significant step further, establishing a coordinate system and a prime meridian which is essentially what we use today. Here is the map made from observations in 1830 (published 1831) when the southern hemisphere was visible (as for Herschel). The south pole in in the middle, 30 north at the outer edge. #maps #Mars #Beer #Mädler

Sorta #sunset , butt just a little 2 wavy 4 da pier😱 🌊
So he shall hide in his favourite wind shelter😉
Cosmic 🧠🖕
Although da days r get'n shorter, as of 2day the sunsets b get'n later...🤯
Balcony #Beer Kooler work'n perfectly...🍺😋