I had no idea that John Deere was actually an Irish trap all this time.
I had no idea that John Deere was actually an Irish trap all this time.
Tell us your embarrassing stories - mortifying #embarrassing #cringe #awkward #epicfail #abba
#stem #science #publichealth #epidemiology #awkward #USA
So, the US Senate has introduced a bill to ban "dangerous gain-of-function" research. But virology is already more tightly and sanely regulated; this would merely end life-saving research
Never seen #discomfort on display as much as #DougFord not wanting to spend another second on stage at the #ONDebate2025 but clearly being told he had to stay until the shot ended. So #awkward , it was great! Hahaha! #onpoli
#stem #Science #space #astrophysics #awkward
Dark matter and dark energy could be, fundamentally, a lot of different things with widely variable properties. But intelligent aliens? No, that's already ruled out
Secondo l'Anti-Defamation League se dici che a Gaza c'è un genocidio sei un pericoloso antisemita ma se fai il saluto romano non bisogna saltare alle conclusioni
TL;DR: #genderroles, Christianity, and US politics
When I was #LDS I gave a lot of talks in church. This is normal. There's no clapping in Sacrament Meeting, but people express their appreciation for especially good talks afterward, with a handshake or a "nice talk!"
Well, I gave a few that got no positive responses. For example, I once gave a talk--backed up with plenty of scriptures and prophetic utterances--asserting that Jesus' message could validly be interpreted as "Brothers, why can't you be more like your sisters?"
I still think this is a reasonable take on the teachings of Jesus as appearing in the #Bible (and the Book of #Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants). Turning the other cheek, not complaining about your occupiers' oppression, blessing those who despitefully use you, and--gasp--identifying with a sexually promiscuous woman instead of the people trying to punish her: these are direct rejections of age-old hegemonic #masculinity.
Yeah, nobody told me they enjoyed my talk that day.
And here we are, at least 20 years into the violent return of the most toxic wife-beater rhetoric. All our big fascists are going all in on pure contempt for femininity and #women, rabidly preaching #misogyny. Most of them call themselves "Christian," while their "#Christian" followers cheer.
This is not an education issue; this is not ignorance. Every one of those Christians cheering Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and now Zuck and Bezos have 100% been taught the words of Jesus. They've been sermonized to since birth about the Man from Galilee feeding the poor, talking with women at wells instead of men in houses, and telling rich guys to give away their wealth if they want to go to heaven. They've had a choice, day in and day out, to either listen to the stories about kindness and compassion for the disadvantaged or the ones about domination and oppression. They are making their choice, and this choice, at least, is fully fucking informed.
I felt awkward at the work Christmas lunch party because of an impression I created because of something I said that doesn't encapsulate all of me, but I feel could have been interpreted that way. I felt so awkward, I left the lunch, went out to my car intending to do take out somewhere, then said to myself, NO, Meg, march yourself right back in there and grab some grub. So, I did, and it was ok, and more people were gone, and it didn't feel as pressurized. #awkward
Worried about feeling #awkward at #Thanksgiving? You're not alone. A philosopher explains why awkwardness happens and offers practical tips for handling those uncomfortable moments: https://buff.ly/3CPRuj6
(Alexandra Plakias, Hamilton College) #philosophy #awkwardness #family #holidays
He made up this awkwardly braced prone lap snoozing posture all on his own. #CatsOfMastodon #cats #sleeping #funny #awkward #BluePoint #manx #ManxCat
#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump Has A Brutal #Flashback In New #KamalaHarris #CampaignAd.
The spot pounced on the #expresident's #awkward #pause after a #question. "What happened to #MikePence?"
After picking ‘#cognitive #problems’ #fight, #ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump faces #awkward #questions.
As the race enters its final month, it's #Trump — who could become the oldest person ever to serve as #president — facing questions about being #CognitivelyImpaired.
— He's senile.
'#Grifter' #MelaniaTrump Gets #Blunt #Reminder After #Awkward New #SalesPitch
The #formerfirstlady unveiled her latest "#collectibles," but #critics spotted one key problem.
Stares into the abyss.
Accidentally makes eye contact.
Abyss glares, pulls down blind.
Just remembering the time my best friend broke up with her boyfriend. I told her that I never liked him and she could do so much better, then she got back together with him. #AWKWARD
Yikes. It was that delivery guy again.
Might have to stop using Just Eat