(although there are many more I could have listed)
-The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
-Experimental Film by Gemma Files
-The Haunted Looking Glass: Ghost Stories Chosen by Edward Gorey
-The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
-Henry & June by Anais Nin
-Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins
-Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement by Whitney Chadwick
@stina_marie I LOVE Tom Robbins!
@SheilaBlackadder Me, too; I've read everything!! Hello, fellow fan of his brilliant words!
@stina_marie Me too!! I first read Roadside waaay back in high school and haven't looked back since. It will always be my fav because it was my first and holds a very special place in my heart.
@stina_marie I love all Shirley Jackson.
Also, I was supposed to have Whitney Chadwick as an art history instructor for a Women in Surrealism course. I was so excited. But then she took sabbatical, and they gave me a guest lecturer instead. Imagine my disappointment.
It is a very good text though.
@colorblindcowboy I have a large Shirley Jackson collection, I love her.
And what a bummer about the course. I'm sure you still learned many things, but damn, that would have been disappointing.
@stina_marie I try not to think about what could have been.
@stina_marie Very nice picks! The Sandman is so good!
@ComradeK Thanks and yes, Sandman is wonderful!