Easter Eggs in Verna's ID from #TheFallOfTheHouseOfUsher that I noticed:
1. Clemm is the family name of Poe's wife, Virginia.
2. 1849 is Poe's year of death.
3. Reynolds is a name Poe supposedly said on his death bed, but there's no proof of that.
4. New York is where Virginia died.
Oh, and January 19 is Poe's birthday.
He lived to age 40, but the years on this card from DOB to Expires is 41, so I'm not sure if that's a reference. /
@rottenartist and there I was feeling that, at times, they crowbarred Poe references at times.
Please note: I said "crow" not a different corvid.
@IcePee Do you mean that they didn't put enough references in?
@rottenartist . Though, to be honest it's not the amount, more overtness of the delivery. At times like someone over explaining a joke. Like they're jabbing you in the ribs while repeating: "eh, do you get it!?" and "ooh look, isn't this frightfully alike another work of art!?".
While it's quite literally a cover version of a piece famous literature I don't think that version was so self referential. This is probably due to it being an original.
Don't get me wrong, I like the show but I would have preferred the references to maybe be a little more oblique, the sort where if you know, you know. You know?
@IcePee I totally get that. It's the difference between easter eggs and actually delving into underlying themes of the stories. At times, the show did get into some of those deeper themes, but not consistently.