8 years ago, I posted this on #Twitter:
'Disappointed Bernie is no longer a viable candidate, but I guess I have to vote for Clinton. Yes, TRUMP is worse, but Bernie supporters were looking for change and I don't believe Clinton wants that. As much as she claims to support progressive ideals, as soon as she is elected, she will stop caring and move on to her own agenda. In short, we're being asked to vote for either drastic awful change or no change at all.. and I am just sick of no change.'
@jacklaridian reminder:
Those are the exact same things Joe Biden HAS BEEN working toward and has succeeded more than any administration since FDR in meaningful ways to achieve them...*in -3-1/2 years*
It's funny to me that I hear him say he wants these things come election time and yet when he gets elected, it all goes on the back burner. Now he's saying it all again and we're supposed to expect him to actually do it this time? He's had nearly a whole term now and hasn't done ANY of this.