I'm looking for some great #horror #scifi crossover #movies that take place in space or on different planets?
And what are some of the best bad crossovers (Looking at you #GhostsOfMars)?
#Alien is without question the best in existence, imo. #EventHorizon and #Pandorum immediately spring to mind.
Would you classify #StanleyKubrick's #2001ASpaceOdyssey as a #horror #scifi movie?
@grryboy I would never think of 2001 as horror. Possibly technothriller. Mostly pure #scifi with hard sci-fi elements. Not being a fan of #horror, perhaps my opinion doesn't carry much weight, mixing horror and sci-fi together lessens them both. Event Horizon was only sci-fi because it happened on a ship orbiting Uranus. That story could have been told in any setting with only minor changes.
@MrBear Definitely major differences in #hardscifi. Perhaps my view of #scifi film speaks to my ignorance of the genre.
My favorite science fiction is in book form: Ursula LeGuin, Philip K Dick, and Octavia Butler among them. I’ve read much less horror fiction. But in film my interest has been much more in the realm of horror.