This is my #YOPD journey. I’d love to hear others’ journeys.
#Parkinsons #PwP #DBS #Parkies
@studiosree That's all anyone can do, but I hope that you are doing well, if not yesterday, today. If not today, tomorrow.
@grryboy @trekreadyhimalayas hi, @grryboy! I’m old onset. My goes out to you young’uns. So much time ahead of you! I’m glad to see DBS worked for you, and you appear to be an exerciser? Bravo!
I recently learned the hard way not to slack off, and an in the very painful process of reconditioning. Keep up the good work !
#Parkinsons - it’s a word, not a sentence
@LizaBrings @trekreadyhimalayas It’s hard not to slacken. The #ParkisonsApathy is real.