#Nietzsche and our voluptuously Dionysian Universe(s): Multiple Worlds Interpretation in Quantum Mechanics
Is there anything more absurdly extravagant, absurdly wasteful, and absurdly promiscuous in the voluptuously Dionysian sense than the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics that implies that there are most likely an uncountably infinite number of universes?
You would think 10 universes max would be enough to reach some sort of Endziel?
Dionysus Versus The Crucified
The gnostic implications of the schizophrenic metaphysics many-worlds theory are disturbing: Of all those countless worlds with their countless Adolph Hitlers, one wonders: How many of them have a holocaust, and how many have the Nazis winning the war????
As for the left-wing moralist and the #gnostic in me, I'm utterly convinced of the following: The existence of just one Adolph Hitler is proof enough that there is something *inherently* wrong with *our* universe, and that it needs to be rectified.