Be weird.
Don't, like, go out of your way to try to act weird. That's different.
Just be your inner weirdo. Let that person out to be your normal persona.
Everyone's weird in some way. And because we're all weird in different ways, it makes us more interesting. And more authentic.
Embrace weirdness.
@pbump One important detail.
Why should the #Weirdo-in-Chief care about the public opinion? He is on his second term.
If he stays beyond January 2029 in office, it will not be by "normal means". (Remember one of the many things he promised: this would be the last relevant election.)
If he does not stay on, he already has immunity for any "official crimes".
So exactly for what does #Trump need the public approval?
#introduction I'm a generalist gladly busy with a bit of everything, with in mind, hands and heart: #autonomy and #community building.
Here to #escalate.
I work with #food transformation, #plants and #fermentation, and I love #brewing beer and #cooking for a lot of people. Sometimes I share workshops and teachings.
Part of @genopretkbh for 7 years +, supporting sustainability in communities and friendships through #conflict #systems and mediation.
Background in #somatics, #dance, #art #music and #theater. Even as an Awareness person in #techno raves.
I've also been a #massage therapist and #sound healer for some years, and am sharing now community oriented ear #acupuncture treatments with @aabnenaale
I am practicing #plant and #vegetable breeding, #seeds collecting and exchanging with #GoingToSeed. I grow in zone 8.
I like to #fast, #hike, and gather friends around it.
I like #systems and #routines. Convinced fellow and fan of #GTD.
Staring at a #fire is a good medicine. Sustaining the one in my heart and my comrades also. #internationalism makes me melt.
I like weird shit and embracing my inner #weirdo
¡Hola! ¿Cómo estáis?
Estoy aquí no sé muy bien por qué. Hace un tiempo me pregunté que quería de las redes sociales y he llegado a la conclusión que no quiero nada, que quiero que vuelvan los blogs y los foros. Por eso estamos aquí, supongo. Hace unos meses hablaba de esa Internet de hace unos años en la que más bien investigabas, en la que ibas picando piedra hasta encontrar una veta de oro, y no esa profusión de contenido que el algoritmo nos hace tragar como si tuviéramos un embudo en el cerebro.
Así que supongo que aquí vengo a buscar cosas que no sabía que quería encontrar mientras busco otras cosas que jamás llegaré a encontrar porque me he entretenido con las primeras . (pequeño homenaje a Bolsón)
En fin, que què m'agrada? M'agrada molt llegir (però últimament llegeixo tirant a poc, el cap no m'acaba de deixar), m'agraden molt els videojocs i els jocs de taula i de rol, les pelis, les series... La narrativa en general, en qualsevol de les seves formes. Soc molt fan de la ciència ficció, el terror i la fantastia.
M'agrada l'art en general, anar a la muntanya, sóc anarquista, treballo explicant històries en múltiples formes, sento curiositat per la vida i per la gent que té interessos forts: si m'ho expliques amb passió escoltaré gairebé qualsevol cosa.
Bastant de l'assamblearisme i el DIY (tot i que ambdues coses admeto que son cansades).
M'encanta discutir i debatre i (malauradament) també m'agrada tenir raó, però sempre ha sigut millor quan he escoltat i he deixat que el meu pensament es modulés. Tot i així, prefereixo parlar en persona. Ja m'he cansat de discutir a través de les pantalles.
Espero que ens trobem per aquÍ!
Well, wouldn’t wanna do that. What I WOULD do is kick Mace in the face.
I go fishing with a bunch of retired guys and I found the best shirt for my next fishing trip. I went grocery shopping in it this weekend. I guess I'm a glitch in this system.
#2024 #weirdo #IdentifyMe #sowhatsnext #fishing #outdoors #nature #SaveOurWater #cleanwater
@GottaLaff I feel #Walz played to his own widely known strengths and with that he allowed #Vance to come out as somewhat normal, and not the #weirdo that he is, and that the undecided voters still haven't been shown. #uspol
The #gays are just realizing who #LauraLoomer reminds them of.
The #Farright #weirdo and #hatemonger has been in the headlines recently for the usual chicanery.
@DemocracyMattersALot oh that’s weird
blah blah mean girl stuff lol
Everyone hates him, even his hairdresser. #JDVance #TryTipping #weirdo