«Hanuma» by Avksentiy Tsagareli [RA-Teatr]
Vaudeville. Musical performance based on the play of the same name by Avksentiy Tsagareli «Hanuma».
Staged by Natalia Mikolyshina.
Evgeny V. Radomyslensky Workshop Production
Photo taken: 15/12/2018
Hilarious scheming, love, lust, and tears end up in 3 unexpected weddings.
Money or love? Princely coat of arms or true feelings? A beating heart in love or the sound of gold coins? Who will find a bride for the prince and get their commissions?
— Aleksandra Alekseeva as Hanuma, best match-maker in town.
— Ilya Savin as Prince Vano Pantiashvili, poor as a church mouse, fancy as Madonna.
— Victor Gusev as Mikich Katryants (self-made, successful tradesman obsessed with social status);
— Fazil Kerimov as Akop (the wittiest and most loyal, personal assistant of Mikich Katryants).
— Denis Mishin as Kote Pantiashvili (Vano Pantiashvili’s nephew, hired by Mikich Katryants to be Sona’s teacher);
— Anastasia Zavitukhina as Anush (angry old granny, mother of Mikich Katryants, Sona’s guardian).
— Marina Denisenko as Kabato (wannabe match-maker competing with Hanuma).
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