Eli Roth Launches The Horror Section Production Studio, Invites Fans to Become Investors (Exclusive)
#MovieNews #Movies #EliRoth #Terrifier3 #Thanksgiving

Eli Roth Launches The Horror Section Production Studio, Invites Fans to Become Investors (Exclusive)
#MovieNews #Movies #EliRoth #Terrifier3 #Thanksgiving
Michigan mother asks judge to declare 3 missing sons dead nearly 15 years later https://www.byteseu.com/794851/ #America #Courts #EdWhite #GeneralNews #Homicide #JohnSkelton #LawEnforcement #MIStateWire #Michigan #NathanPiwowarski #OHStateWire #ohio #TanyaZuvers #thanksgiving #U.S.News #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USA #USANews
Thanksgiving Filmini izle
#Thanksgiving #KorkuFilmi #netflix #Komedi #Film #Filmizle #Diziizle #izle #Fullizle #sinema
5 places in Tucson to get pie this Thanksgiving 2024 | eat https://www.diningandcooking.com/1897127/5-places-in-tucson-to-get-pie-this-thanksgiving-2024-eat/ #ApplePie #BakedGoods #baking #Bread #Cooking #cuisine #desserts #EuropeanCuisine #Foods #NorthAmericanCuisine #Pastries #Pecan #PecanPie #Pie #Pies #PumpkinPie #thanksgiving #ThanksgivingAppetizes #ThanksgivingDesserts #ThanksgivingFood #ThanksgivingRecipes #ThanksgivingSides #WesternCuisine
. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid
Me, all the way since #Thanksgiving
Shrinking Season 2 Finale: A Heartfelt Thanksgiving with Forgiveness & Emotional Resolutions
#Shrinking #AppleTV #Thanksgiving #Celebrities #BreakingNews #EntertainmentNews
This #Christmas feels a lot more like #Thanksgiving.
Three weeks ago, my world crumbled and disappeared. Unemployed, potentially no vehicle, genuinely facing homelessness.
Soul crushingly bleak.
I am so incredibly thankful that in the following days, someone here on Mastodon gave me a leg up, I found a job and now I have a brand new life.
If that's not something to be thankful for this Christmas, I dunno what is.
Merry Christmas to all
Hey, people who have cooked standard US fare for #Xmas or #Thanksgiving for more than a decade:
Would this recipe for Nadia Lim's bacon apricot sage #stuffing balls freeze and cook OK on Dec 25 if made ahead this week?
Giants-Cowboys Scores Massive Viewership On Fox, Leading NFL Thanksgiving Matchups To Record Audience Average
#News #Ratings #Sports #NFL #Thanksgiving #TVNews #TVRatings
Visited #family over #Thanksgiving, who devolved at one point into screetches of outrage over #Republican fantasy talking points. I know this is unlikely, but if one were to at least try to save them, what would be a good source of news/reality to recommend? They only watch cable news, so I don't think pointing them at my personal faves like #TheEconomist, etc, is going to stick.
Have an adorable video involving clams, moluscs, snails, and well done dialog
Dodo Producer Interviews Maurice The Clam And His 'Unique' Family #TheDodo
Delayed Thanksgiving complete! Full (but, not overly full -- it's no fun to end Thanksgiving feeling ill LOL). The offset of several (free) days to Thanksgiving reduced stress levels in this household significantly, due to less time pressures. (delayed as my son was on duty on Thanksgiving). #thanksgiving
Today is Soup Sunday! Today is a special Soup Sunday. Today's Soup is my mom's Turkey Noodle Soup! We've been making turkey soup after Thanksgiving for years and years now. It's one of my favorite traditions. This year's soup was particularly good. I made broth from the turkey bones yesterday. I added turkey, vegetables, and noodles today. There's enough broth left over for more soup tomorrow! Today's soup is a 9.5 out of 10.
Some snaps of our quiet, little Thanksgiving weekend at home in Florida. The house is decorated, the air is cold, and it’s my favorite time of the year.
Good morning and welcome to December. Ugh. If I were looking on the bright side I’d say something like, one day closer to spring… but we haven’t even hit winter yet. December sucks.
Thanksgiving Part Two was a huge success. Dinner was fabulous, thanks to my wife. The xmas decorations are all up. I plugged in the lights on the outside of the house (that I never took down after last year) and a couple of short strands are out. I’ll have to figure out what to do about that. We had the annual Muppets Christmas Carol viewing. We did not manage to get a watch of Elf in, but maybe we save that for xmas eve?
Our kids are still here. They are both going back to Vermont today. One is going after breakfast, the other after dinner-ish. I love every second we can get with them here. I selfishly hate to see them leave but we are actually going to see them again next week. There’s something huge brewing in Bellana’s world and next weekend is when it hits. We’ll be there for it.
Until then, tomorrow I go back to work after a glorious five day weekend and I am sad about that. What can you do. I’ll be in the office which is making it feel worse, but oh well.
December is here. I put it off for as long as possible. Oh well, what can you do.
Here's another silly question about the United States.
If you were a kid in '50s, '60s, or '70s USA, was it traditional to decorate your Christmas tree at the end of US #Thanksgiving week? Later?
These days, Christmas starts in late September, and that's not the "tradition" I'm wondering about.
In Canada we'd buy a #tree the weekend nearest mid-December, no later than a week before #Christmas. It's not like there was a formula: the Sunday before the full moon before the shortest day of Dec.
Leftover truth.
This Thanksgiving (and all the others that came before) has re-enforced my deeply held belief that the only leftovers worthy of the name are the cherry-crumble pie and the Tillamook vanilla ice cream.
I'm fully prepared to die on this hill (probably of high blood pressure).
P.S. Okay maybe some stuffing as an appetizer.
To All the Right Wing Accounts:
If you refuse to post your face on a profile while promoting denaturalization and your dreams for having the freedom that Israel has to annihilate people who inconvenience you, YOU ARE A FUCKING COWARD. You have less guts than Elon Musk, the cunt you hope to emulate
Dear Fediverse, please caption this, you and your boost-boost friends.
I'm dying to know what this Snowy Egret is thinking.